Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Explore Carroll: BETTER: Exactly how do I strangle a hands-free device?

Explore Carroll: BETTER: Exactly how do I strangle a hands-free device?

This is way too funny: @ExploreCarroll: By my colleague at the Carroll Eagle, Cathy Drinkwater Better


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Westminster Fire Department Events for 2011

Westminster Vol. Fire Company Crab Feed July 16 2011 6 to 10 pm

Westminster Fire Department, 28 John Street, Westminster, MD 21157

$35.00 per guest - they will reserve tables of 10 or more guest.

For more information call 410-848-1800 or 410-259-5143 or 410-596-6482

Westminster Fire Department Events for 2011
(All Events at Fire Hall – 28 John Street, Except May 7th)

For more information go to: or call 410-848-1800 or
410-259-5143 or 410-596-6482

May 20th     Vera Bradley / Basket Bingo
                    Cost = $15.00 per person, Doors open at 5:30 PM, Games Start at 7:00 PM
                    Refreshments available

May 26th         Big Money Annual Fund Drive Raffle
Ticket Cost = $20.00 per person. Doors open at 6:00 PM.  Beer and Food are part of the ticket cost.  At 9:00 PM - 8 Drawings for a total of $20,950.00. (First Drawing is for $15,000.00)  Misc. games of Chance.
July 16th     Crab Feed
                    Ticket Cost = $35.00.      Hours - 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM.  Misc. games of Chance.
                    Crabs catered by Harris Seafood.  Tickets available on Pay Pal.

Sept. 24th   Fall Fest Breakfast and Mums Sale
Ticket Cost = $7.00 each.  Breakfast in the Fire Hall in conjunction with Westminster City Fall Fest. Breakfast served from 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM.  Mums Sale at the City Festival. Saturday 10 AM – 6 PM and Sunday 12 Noon – 6 PM on the City Parking Lot.

October 1st           Sportsman Gun Raffle
Ticket Cost = $30.00 each.  Doors open at 6:00 PM.  Dinner served at 6:30 PM. Beer and Food are part of the ticket cost.  Only 300 ticket being sold. 
14 Opportunities to win.  Misc. games of Chance.

Dec. 17th    Breakfast With Santa
                    Ticket Cost = $7.00 per person.  Breakfast served from 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM.  


Explore Carroll: Dayhoff: Have a terrific Mother's Day, and try to stay out of prison

Explore Carroll: Dayhoff: Have a terrific Mother's Day, and try to stay out of prison

Happy Mother's Day. Our modern day concept of Mother's Day evolved from around 1868, in the aftermath of the Civil War.

It was formally recognized in the United States in 1914 when President Woodrow Wilson approved a resolution marking the second Sunday in May as a day of nationwide observance.

Taking mom out to dinner is a great Mother's Day tradition. There are so many great local restaurants in Carroll County. Year's ago, one such restaurant was the old Sauble's Inn. Local historian Mary Ann Ashcraft wrote about this restaurant years ago with some research she had done for the Historical Society of Carroll County...

Thursday, May 05, 2011

The complete compendium of all things Steve Berryman in the Frederick News-Post

The complete compendium of all things Steve Berryman in the Frederick News-Post

| Steve Berryman | By: | 04/22/11 | 543 words

I arrived late, but caught the last half of the proceedings from the bleachers, and was one of the demographically challenged middle-aged white men you heard about; but other groups and the faithful were represented!
'The paper' vs. pixels
| Steve Berryman | By: | 04/15/11 | 531 words

Advantage, newspapers! No batteries required.

That April Fools' column
| sBerryman | By: | 04/08/11 | 522 words

So I gave it a shot by writing something plausible but absurd upon any reasonable evaluation.

High-tech Frederick
| sBerryman | By: | 04/01/11 | 513 words

It looks like developers in favor of an event complex hotel and convention center got caught napping on this one, as the third-largest population concentration in Maryland has been selected as a local broadcast and development center over many cities our size regionally.

American War 3
| sBerryman | By: | 03/25/11 | 530 words

Yes, the new conflict in Libya to free up freedom fighters to earn their democracy is now on. Is it a police action, a conflict, an armed intervention or what? Whatever you call it, it obligates our nation to a third war involving majority U.S. of A. military men and women.

Real nuclear danger
| sBerryman | By: | 03/18/11 | 523 words

Action on this quake-tsunami-atomic energy story is so fast-breaking that one almost needs a media plan just to keep up, and I know that by the time this column hits the newsstands Friday, conditions may have changed to anywhere from calmed down to catastrophic.

Revisiting 9/11
| sBerryman | By: | 03/11/11 | 523 words

"They" wanted us out of the Middle East. The sentence I want to put here is not politically correct for these times, so I omitted it.

Attention span
| sBerryman | By: | 02/25/11 | 518 words

Of course, "attention-deficit disorder" was only acknowledged by the medical community late in the game. These days the condition is a double-edged sword. Multi-tasking does require switching focus onto wildly different items of concentration without notice, and ADD can afford an advantage!

Is this 'discrimination'?
| sBerryman | By: | 02/18/11 | 539 words

Discrimination has various meanings; we all know that race and color distinctions are "illegal" as a basis on which to discriminate in America.

My trust in guns
| sBerryman | By: | 01/28/11 | 573 words

That we have politicized guns was inevitable, as our Founding Fathers deemed it necessary to write them into our Second Amendment to the Constitution, just after your freedom of speech!

A new 'red dawn'
| sBerryman | By: | 01/21/11 | 558 words

Right-wing radio talk show hostess Laura Ingraham still talks about this film regularly!

Lampooning the predictions 2011
| sBerryman | By: | 01/14/11 | 576 words

Being the first to know is not always an advantage to the receiver, but this may afford me some future bragging rights!

What's in & out 2011
| sBerryman | By: | 12/31/10 | 558 words

Let's go with transitions and changes instead. Some are pretty clear; others are more fuzzy!

Lotto Christmas
| sBerryman | By: | 12/24/10 | 567 words

We learn and are taught that money isn't everything, but somehow this time of year that concept can stand out a bit. It "can't buy you love" and won't solve all of your problems, but when you don't have enough of it, the expectations can suffer.

| Letter to Editor | By: | 12/24/10 | 310 words

There are so many hardworking people to thank for making this fundraiser a success. Doug Hillard, general manager of WFMD; Frank Mitchell, program director; and the entire staff of WFMD, who suspended business as usual; Phyliss Betson; Majors Raymond and Crystal Pruitt of the Salvation Army; PNC Bank; Debbie Williams and the Patty Pollatos Foundation.

Mistaking a mandate?
| sBerryman | By: | 12/17/10 | 560 words

How are election mandates restricted after the ballots are cast?

Hallmarking the days
| sBerryman | By: | 12/10/10 | 539 words

Gifts not from the heart are readily discerned; some messages are lost in holiday translation.

Don't forget ...
| Letter to Editor | By: | 12/08/10 | 44 words

Accountable slate
| sBerryman | By: | 12/03/10 | 559 words

Among those choosing not to affiliate, only David Gray remained to make five.

Report suspicious activity
| sBerryman | By: | 11/26/10 | 568 words

Don't they know that I've been on high terrorism alert for over nine years now? Just how much reminding is too much?

Choosing your news
| sBerryman | By: | 11/19/10 | 571 words

The Washington Post
| sBerryman | By: | 11/12/10 | 559 words

I will adopt his jumping-off point as my own here, having been personally warned during a conference long ago, led by prognosticating writer John Naisbitt, peddling his book "Megatrends" at the time.

| sBerryman | By: | 11/05/10 | 464 words

They pretend that they're not listening; who do they think they're kidding!

Positive business practices
| sBerryman | By: | 10/29/10 | 566 words

My business career began in earnest in the early 1980s, when bookstores overflowed with titles such as "In Search of Excellence," "Megatrends," the "One Minute Manager" series and others offering firsthand experience from experts on best business practices for success in management.

Getting political
| sBerryman | By: | 10/22/10 | 562 words

Vote your conscience, and not a party -- the temptation perhaps due to time deprivation -- in the general election. If you have been too out of touch with political happenings, simply scratching for the almighty dollar, don't feel alone; simply look at our low turnout during primaries.

In the shadow of 9/11
| bkissin | By: | 10/16/10 | 640 words

In this climate of fear, we distrust our government, but we continue to cling to a faith in our national security complex. Somehow, our firepower will protect us. This irrational faith and our fears have been grossly manipulated.

Job insurance mode
| sBerryman | By: | 10/15/10 | 561 words

There is, however, known strategy for maintaining the ability to ensure that your performance remains worthy of job continuity.

Job exploration mode
| sBerryman | By: | 10/08/10 | 565 words

You are decidedly not in the minority these days!

Identity with tea
| sBerryman | By: | 10/01/10 | 570 words

Personally, the tea party experience brought me back to GOP party politics. I started paying close attention to our local scene by attending the monthly Frederick County Republican Central Committee (FCRCC) meetings, getting to know the members and how they operated.

| sBerryman | By: | 09/17/10 | 564 words

Those who adopted the new, made adjustments, and embraced the changes survived long enough to bring us along to what we call the modern world -- for better or for worse. Yep, we got some of each!

Glenn Beck theocracy?
| sBerryman | By: | 09/03/10 | 570 words

Each event claimed to be closer to God, but the two did not merge spiritually; they served as props for Al Sharpton's and Glenn Beck's respective searches for a wider audience.

The 'new normal'
| sBerryman | By: | 08/27/10 | 558 words

Well, with the notable exception of the U.S. Constitution, at least as far as directions go.

The Muslim encroachment
| Letter to Editor | By: | 08/22/10 | 767 words

Let's get definitions straight: Islam is a religion that translates into "submission to God;" Muslims are people who believe in Islam. The genetic connection between Islam and Christianity/Judaism traces back to Abraham in the Old Testament. Muslims believe in God and share many of same basic beliefs of Jews and Christians.

Scrutiny, and justice, invited
| Letter to Editor | By: | 08/19/10 | 282 words

However I don't understand the point he's trying to make. Is he saying that there is a huge possibility that the Cordoba House, now infamously known as Park 51, could actually be exactly what the opposition fears it is masking or ridiculing? And that a mistake was made in denying the AMC construction of a mosque which in reality was to be just a convention center?

The appearance of impropriety
| dKornreich | By: | 07/25/10 | 559 words

Apparently, based on an agreement among Commissioners Kai Hagen and David Gray and board President Jan Gardner, the three took unspent money from their individual taxpayer-funded expense accounts and directed the transfer of those moneys to the charities.

Facebook fables
| sBerryman | By: | 06/11/10 | 572 words

Yes, detractors will consider it sophomoric if they have never explored it; but then, my nana decided that learning to drive was not important, and my mother decided that e-mail was for other people. Dad prints them out for her.

FNP needs new conservative writers
| Letter to Editor | By: | 06/09/10 | 203 words

Can't the editors of this paper find conservative writers who will write about conservative issues that are more rational, clearer and appealing instead of the manner in which these two throw unfortunate words and names around that can only cause real conservatives to run into hiding and have to explain to their liberal brothers that "That's not what conservatives believe or accept in those characterizations."

Unlikely duo of Gutierrez, Daar reaches doubles semifinals
| Sports | By: John Cannon | 05/15/10 | 461 words

For starters, Daar had to actually start playing tennis. Last spring, he played for TJ's JV baseball team.

The MIC monster
| bkissin | By: | 05/15/10 | 527 words

You say you want smaller government and less government spending. The Department of Defense dwarfs the size of any other government department. Military-related spending now rounds off to about $1 trillion per year. Do you have any idea how much money that is? The population of Frederick County is about .00075 of the population of the U.S. Assuming we pay out about the per capita average in federal taxes, Frederick County residents now cover about $750 million per year in military-related expenditures.--

Urbana and Catoctin earn top seeds
| Sports | By: From Staff Reports | 05/12/10 | 411 words

Urbana and Catoctin both earned No. 1 seeds in their respective regions during Tuesday's MPSSAA State Tournament draw.

Local Roundup: Railroaders edge SH
| Sports | By: None | 05/06/10 | 1213 words

Brunswick 2, S. Hagerstown 1

DoE/AEC connection
| Letter to Editor | By: | 05/06/10 | 186 words

I was with him as he lambasted the excesses of the Department of Energy and then I realized he was wrong on one important point. It is not through "job creep" that the DoE is the keeper of the nation's nuclear weapons. Contrary to what Berryman writes, the Atomic Energy Commission was not just chartered to pursue the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. It was the direct successor of the Manhattan Project that had given birth to atomic weapons.

Local Roundup: Lynch helps Patriots defeat Frederick
| Sports | By: None | 05/05/10 | 811 words

Ryon Lynch had four goals with four assists for Thomas Johnson (10-3, 3-1 Piedmont), which defeated Frederick (5-7, 1-4) ,14-6 Tuesday.

Local Roundup: Lancers defeat Knights
| Sports | By: None | 05/04/10 | 993 words

NEW MARKET -- Taylor Henry had three hits for Linganore, which snapped Middletown's 10-game winning streak Monday by defeating the Knights, 12-8.

Local Roundup: Middletown tops Urbana
| Sports | By: None | 04/30/10 | 1274 words

URBANA -- Ryan Robinson's grand slam in the top of the eighth inning powered Middletown (10-3, 7-1 MVAL-Piedmont) to a 14-11 win over Urbana in the completion of a suspended game Thursday.

Local Roundup: Lions rally past Knights
| Sports | By: None | 04/29/10 | 1022 words

Walkersville 7, Middletown 6

Local Roundup: Murphy tosses a two-hitter as Urbana rolls, 10-0
| Sports | By: None | 04/28/10 | 799 words

WALKERSVILLE -- Alexa Murphy tossed a two-hitter with six strikeouts Tuesday as Urbana (12-3, 6-2 MVAL Piedmont) shut out Walkersville, 10-0.

Ask the Editor — Civil online dialogue can be elusive
| Front Page | By: John Bechtel | 04/24/10 | 562 words

In terms of sheer numbers, it appears to be successful. As I write this at 5:47 p.m. Wednesday, 345 comments were posted during the day -- I know this because I am one of a few people here who receive e-mails each time a comment is posted.

Local roundup: Larson, Patriots top Walkersville
| Sports | By: From Staff Reports | 04/23/10 | 972 words

TJ 2, Walkersville 1

Local Roundup: Hawks defeat Cavaliers
| Sports | By: None | 04/20/10 | 1231 words

WINFIELD -- Sarah Thacker had three hits with two triples for Urbana (10-3) in a 12-6 win over South Carroll on Monday. Kristen Juenger had three hits with a double. Stephanie Murphy had three hits. Jocelyn Juenger, Alexa Murphy and Katie Sebbane each had two hits with a double.

Tea party protesters sound off on tax day at Frederick restaurant
| Front Page | By: Ike Wilson | 04/16/10 | 554 words

That's why she came to Frederick on Thursday to participate in the local tea party tax day protest.

Local Roundup: Catoctin remains unbeaten
| Sports | By: None | 04/15/10 | 1317 words

Catoctin 5, Boonsboro 1

Local Roundup: Main's SF propels Knights past Tuscarora in 8th inning
| Sports | By: None | 04/13/10 | 1076 words

MIDDLETOWN -- Chase Main's sacrifice fly with one out in the last of the eighth inning Monday gave Middletown a 5-4 win over Tuscarora.

Ask miners about heavy regulation
| Letter to Editor | By: | 04/12/10 | 92 words

It seems pretty apparent that the lucrative metallurgical coal business that Massey engaged in (see page B-6 of the same edition) didn't seem hampered by those regulations. They just bought their way out of it. Or was that the point?

Don't begin a political discussion by lighting a powder keg
| Letter to Editor | By: | 04/11/10 | 428 words

He starts by stating that the amnesty being granted to illegal immigrants subverts the provisions of the newly enacted health care reform bill ("Obamacare," as he calls it). But there hasn't been any amnesty granted; to my knowledge there has been nothing more than an idea floated by Sens. Schumer and Graham (one Democrat and one Republican) that provides, among other things, for an earned path to citizenship which, according to news analysts, is similar to a concept supported by President Bush in 2007. That year the concept was defeated and it may well be again this time, but you would never know that from Berryman's words.

Local Roundup: Ramsburg fans 14, no-hits Middletown
| Sports | By: None | 04/10/10 | 1029 words

MIDDLETOWN -- Heather Ramsburg pitched her first high school no-hitter Friday for Walkersville and the Lions blanked Middletown, 11-0, Friday.

Local Roundup: Juenger's ninth-inning double propels Hawks past Lions
| Sports | By: None | 04/08/10 | 1060 words

URBANA -- In a battle between teams that reached last year's state tournament, Kristen Juenger's two-out, two-run double in the bottom of the ninth Wednesday lifted Urbana to a 3-2 win over Walkersville.

Local Roundup: FCC winning streak continues
| Sports | By: None | 04/07/10 | 1016 words

LAPLATA -- Frederick Community College's hot streak continues.

Local Roundup: Patriots, Lions split
| Sports | By: None | 03/30/10 | 208 words

Boys: TJ 3, Walkersville 2

Roundup: Titans win on Williams' late goal
| Sports | By: From Staff Reports | 03/26/10 | 1227 words

Tuscarora's Matt Williams picked up a ground ball, swept from right to left and scored on a jump shot with 58 seconds remaining Thursday to complete his hat trick and top Francis Scott Key, 6-5, in the Titans' season opener.

Local Roundup: Walkersville wins Fraser Relays
| Sports | By: None | 03/25/10 | 1102 words

MIDDLETOWN -- Walkersville defeated Century, 89-76, to win the boys division of the James Fraser Valley Relays, Wednesday.

Something old, something new
| Editorial | By: | 03/01/10 | 473 words

Today's new face is that of Hardy Stone, who will be writing a column for the first Monday of every month and the fifth Monday in months that have one. Another new columnist, Margaret Rhoades, will contribute a monthly column for the third Monday of each month.

Walkersville settles Ahmadiyya case, expected to purchase land
| Front Page | By: Ron Cassie | 08/28/09 | 514 words

The terms of the final settlement have not been announced, but it is expected that as part of the deal, the Town of Walkersville will purchase the 224 acres in question, according to sources on both sides, including plaintiff David Moxley.

Ahmadiyya case could be headed to settlement
| Front Page | By: Ron Cassie | 08/19/09 | 355 words

In March, U.S. District Judge Richard D. Bennett ruled the key components of David Moxley's lawsuit could move forward to discovery. The judge set a November trial date.

Bagelmeister burgermeister
| jvolz | By: | 08/09/09 | 586 words

But if I were voting in the Sept. 15 Republican primary, I would be voting for Randy McClement, who could become the city's first bagelmeister burgermeister. I have been calling Randy, who operates a bagel palace — well, a modest palace on South Market — a bagelmeister but Steve Berryman, the sage of Walkersville, added burgermeister.

Local Roundup: Cougars reach final; FHS' Hornstein throws no-no
| Sports | By: Staff Reports | 05/14/09 | 644 words

Baseball Playoffs 
Will work for chicken
| kheerbrandt | By: | 05/11/09 | 547 words

No such worries at the Dem Dinner over in Walkersville, where they prefer patting each other on the back to shaking hands. And why not? It was a loooooooong eight years. In Dem years, it was more like a century.

Local Roundup: Walkersville wins Piedmont crown
| Sports | By: None | 05/03/09 | 581 words

Erin McNally tossed a complete game two-hitter and had three hits to lead Walkersville over South Hagerstown 17-1 Saturday, a win that clinched the Piedmont division title of the Monocacy Valley Athletic League for the Lions.

Local Roundup: Titans notch 1st win of season
| Sports | By: Staff Reports | 04/28/09 | 1372 words

Brittany Keith and Lauren Bonnano each had three goals with one assist and Tuscarora won its first game of the year, a 12-9 decision over Frederick on Monday.
Local Roundup: Catoctin stays hot, cools off Frederick
| Sports | By: None | 04/24/09 | 1138 words

Catoctin 6, Frederick 5

Local Roundup: Ringley leads Hood softball
| Sports | By: None | 04/17/09 | 1092 words

Freshman starter Bridgette Ringley struck out 10 batters while Sara Wastler and Krista Zerby drove in two runs apiece for Hood in a 6-1 victory over fifth-seeded Wesley College on Thursday in the first round of the Capital Athletic Conference tournament at Hood.

Local Roundup: Patriots blank Panthers
| Sports | By: Adam Behsudi | 04/08/09 | 862 words

TJ 8, North Carroll 0

Local Roundup: Titans notch 1st baseball win
| Sports | By: Staff Reports | 04/03/09 | 1351 words

C.J. Winpigler drove in the game-winning run in the last of the seventh inning and Tuscarora won its first game of the year, defeating North Carroll, 5-4, on Thursday at Thomas Johnson. Eric Conway had two hits with a triple for the Titans (1-4, 1-1 Chesapeake). Zach Jones pitched a complete-game victory with nine strikeouts.
Local Roundup: Late Anderson goal sends Railroaders past Cadets
| Sports | By: None | 03/31/09 | 788 words

Brunswick 11, Frederick 10

Local Roundup: Linton gets 500th K in TJ's win
| Sports | By: None | 03/26/09 | 1160 words

Victoria Linton recorded her 500th career strikeout in the top of the fifth inning and picked up the win as Thomas Johnson (1-1) defeated Middletown 10 -0, Wednesday. Annie McShea had three hits, two of them doubles, and Jen Featherstone had three hits.

I'll tell you what if
| Letter to Editor | By: | 03/24/09 | 138 words

Print papers could have stopped trying to "be the news" long ago, as one tactic. Now they're paying for it! The old border between influence-peddling and hard news is forever blurred now by greed -- pushing sponsors -- and by "entertainment" masked as "info-tainment." The bond of trust is gone now.

Urbana battles past Tuscarora
| Sports | By: Adam Behsudi | 03/21/09 | 1312 words

Urbana 7, Tuscarora 6

Judge moves Moxley v. Walkersville case ahead
| Front Page | By: Ron Cassie | 03/07/09 | 535 words

Moxley's suit alleges religious and racial bias prevented the sale of his farmland to a Muslim group.

Religious bias suit begins in U.S. District Court
| Front Page | By: Ron Cassie | 03/02/09 | 589 words

A key early motion presented by the defense to Judge Richard D. Bennett seeks to remove the Walkersville burgess, town commissions and members of the board of appeals from the suit as individuals -- apart from their official roles.

Report: Hate groups on rise nationally but quiet locally
| Front Page | By: Nicholas C. Stern | 02/28/09 | 654 words

As a result of rising animosity, spawned by the national debate over illegal immigration, the economic recession and the election of President Barack Obama, the number of national hate groups is increasing in America, according to a report by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Passion vs. logic
| kheerbrandt | By: | 12/05/08 | 550 words

That's not a new concept, but it's an essential truth, especially when it comes to the issues of illegal immigration and "counting kids."

Can we?
| kheerbrandt | By: | 11/07/08 | 559 words

"I agree we are in it together. We just disagreed on the best way out. I am now praying that I was wrong," Bob Hilton wrote.

Opponents clash on immigration
| Front Page | By: Meg Tully | 10/22/08 | 582 words

Members of immigrant rights group CASA de Maryland crowded on the steps to speak against a proposal to count illegal immigrants in Frederick County Public Schools.

Walkersville group seeks dismissal of bias lawsuit
| Front Page | By: Gina Gallucci-White | 09/26/08 | 256 words

The 14-page document, written by the group's attorney Robert McGill, claims the suit should be dismissed because the plaintiff, landowner David Moxley, fails to state a claim of conspiracy.

Walkersville asks for lawsuit dismissal
| Front Page | By: Gina Gallucci-White | 09/19/08 | 458 words

The suit, filed in early July on behalf of landowner David Moxley, accuses the defendants of violating the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 by refusing to allow the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community to build a worship and recreational center on agricultural land.

It's our right
| kheerbrandt | By: | 09/03/08 | 526 words

The freedom to share our views is a fundamental component of American values, with certain restrictions on obscenity, and hate speech with the implied intent to administer physical harm.

Landowner, attorney discuss lawsuit [video]
| Front Page | By: Gina Gallucci-White | 07/15/08 | 986 words

Storzer, who mainly represents religious groups, and landowner David Moxley met with members of 
Ruling against Muslim center will stand
| Front Page | By: Gina Gallucci-White | 06/10/08 | 418 words

The decision made in February by the Walkersville Board of Zoning Appeals was to deny AMC's special exception application.

Walkersville council considers English as official language
| Front Page | By: Sarah Fortney | 05/12/08 | 241 words

Commissioner Don Schildt suggested about two weeks ago putting the issue on the agenda for Wednesday's town meeting.

Playing the 'race card'
| Letter to Editor | By: | 05/04/08 | 695 words

One case is that of racial diversity vs. illegal immigration. The former is a laudable goal, and is very American. The latter is against the law, and therefore presumably we are against it as a nation.

'Deliverance II'
| kheerbrandt | By: | 05/02/08 | 557 words

Third thought: if you judge this community by Berryman and dittoheads in the online comments section; or a local radio host and his minions who mistook the Italian flag for the Mexican one; or a commissioner's looks-good-in-a-headline-and-might-be-good-for-my-2010-Congressional-bid proposal of English as the county's official language, you'd think Frederick County was auditioning for the cast of "Deliverance II."

Poison Kool-Aid
| ecupino | By: | 05/01/08 | 569 words

Monday's Slice of Life profile of this self-proclaimed drywall-estimator-turned-blogger-turned-activist started out merely creepy, but quickly descended into sinister and scary.

Dearbought resident battles political apathy
| Front Page | By: Nicholas C. Stern | 04/28/08 | 476 words

A self-described news and information junkie, Berryman doesn't just allow what he hears to wash over him.

County debates official language
| Front Page | By: Meg Bernhardt | 04/23/08 | 595 words

Commissioner Charles Jenkins, a Republican, proposed the ordinance last week. It would require that all county documents be in English.

Getting out of Frederick: Support mounting for deannexation in Dearbought
| Front Page | By: Adam Behsudi | 03/21/08 | 784 words

The Dearbought resident is circulating a petition that already has about 180 signatures from residents wanting to break from the city.

Landowner's attorney considering legal options
| Front Page | By: Gina Gallucci | 02/09/08 | 385 words

"We are examining all of our options," attorney Roman Storzer said Friday. "We are considering a legal challenge seriously."

| Front Page | By: Gina Gallucci | 02/08/08 | 357 words

Thursday night, the town's Board of Zoning Appeals unanimously denied a request to build on 224 acres of agriculturally zoned land on Woodsboro Pike. Most of the time, the center would serve about 20 local families, but would be used for a summer event that could draw thousands.

The 'M-word'
| kheerbrandt | By: | 01/23/08 | 598 words

They're essentially damned if they approve a special exception to allow the Ahmadiyyas to build a place of worship on David Moxley's farm, and damned if they don't.

Hearings on Ahmadiyya Muslim Community begin Tuesday
| Front Page | By: Gina Gallucci | 01/07/08 | 535 words

The three-member Board of Zoning Appeals will begin hearing testimony Tuesday on whether to allow the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community to buy 224 acres at 8983 Woodsboro Pike.

Dancers toe the line for scholarship
| Front Page | By: Marge Neal | 01/07/08 | 781 words

The jazz specialist teaches three or four segments of the routine at a time, slowly putting the entire piece together before introducing the music.

As decision time nears, dates, appeals board change
| Front Page | By: Gina Gallucci | 12/08/07 | 716 words

The Board of Zoning Appeals decided Thursday night that the hearings on the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community's purchase of 224 acres on Woodsboro Pike will run consecutive days beginning Jan. 8. Board members expect the hearings could last until Jan. 11. The hearings will start at 7 p.m. and new testimony will not start after 10 p.m.

Walkersville officials' intolerance transparent
| Letter to Editor | By: | 11/11/07 | 478 words

At this point, the evidence to the contrary is overwhelming. Columnist Don Kornreich's claim ("Reasonable decision on Walkersville spelled out," Nov. 4) that opposition to the special exception (not a variance, as he claims, which is much more difficult to obtain) is based only on "adverse impact" and not because the applicant is Muslim is simply implausible. No amount of back-pedaling will change the blatant hostility exhibited against the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in recent months.

10,000 too much in Walkersville even for Scouts
| Letter to Editor | By: | 11/03/07 | 128 words

The issue is the capacities of our small town, traffic congestion studies, water and sewer, and we refuse to be baited in Malik’s discrimination argument, which he seek to use like a battle-ax against our good citizens. Shakespeare would say, “Methinks you are trying a bit too hard ... ” and are forcing yourself into the middle of our town.

Decision on Muslim center could be delayed
| Front Page | By: Gina Gallucci | 10/28/07 | 376 words

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community's lawyer, Justin Hayes, will ask for a postponement of a public hearing to determine whether the community can build on 224 agriculturally zoned acres on Woodsboro Pike. The community has not purchased the land.

Greetings from Walkersville
| Letter to Editor | By: | 10/28/07 | 417 words

The construction of a 40,000-plus square foot building and providing facilities for conventions of up to 10,000 people at once is on their application for approval.
Fate of Muslim center up to appeals board
| Front Page | By: Gina Gallucci | 10/25/07 | 977 words

The Board of Zoning Appeals will host a public hearing Nov. 1 to determine whether the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community may build on 224 acres of agriculturally zoned land.

Don't take chance on Muslim center
| Letter to Editor | By: | 10/04/07 | 271 words

Homeland Security is not the answer to screening the Ahmadiyya sect (AMC) for Walkersville! I was happy to see that the FNP was covering fresh angles on the attempt of this Muslim sect (truly) to buy the Moxley Farm in Walkersville. John Cardellina's Sept. 30 letter suggested that the DHS get involved to evaluate their intent and potential danger, if any, to said community.

Man gives 70 years and counting to fire company
| Front Page | By: Gina Gallucci | 07/24/07 | 312 words

Berryman, 87, assisted on numerous house fires, a large lumber yard fire and even delivered two babies during his on-call days.

TJ beats the clock, will battle for region title
| Sports | By: Bill Cauley | 11/02/03 | 374 words

The match was scoreless with less than a minute to play in the second overtime, and the Patriots faced the possibility of a penalty-kick shootout to decide the winner.

Kids head for hills as snow shuts schools
| Front Page | By: Barbara Brown | 01/21/00 | 702 words

Armed with sleds, saucers and snowboards, Frederick County kids headed for the hills around town Thursday to celebrate the first snow day of the school year. 


Washington Post: CIA had secret outpost in Abbottabad

Breaking News Alert: CIA had secret outpost in Abbottabad
May 5, 2011 8:46:22 PM

The CIA maintained a safe house in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad for a small team of spies who conducted extensive surveillance over a period of months on the compound where Osama Bin Laden was killed by U.S. special operations forces this week, U.S. officials said.

The secret CIA facility was used as a base of operations for one of the most delicate human intelligence gathering mission in recent CIA history, one that relied on Pakistani informants and other sources to help assemble a "pattern of life" portrait of the occupants and daily activities at the fortified compound where bin Laden was found, the officials said.
Military Natl Security Intel CIA, World Pakistan, Military Global War on Terror, Military Global War on Terror Osama Bin Laden, 