Tuesday, August 08, 2006

20060807 KDDC Cindy Sheehan head buts Godzilla in Beirut

Cindy Sheehan head buts Godzilla in Beirut. All hell breaks loose.

Thank you LGF.

Beirut (Rhoiders)

Kant BeTrue, Staff reporter and photojournalist, Rhoiders

Monday, August 7, 2007

In this exclusive photo captured by Rhoiders, the smoke is already rising as chaos grips Beirut after Ms. Sheehan’s encounter with Mr. Godzilla.

According to Green Helmet Guy, Ms. Sheehan and Mr. Godzilla were exchanging heated words, when she just, up and head butted him.

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan quickly announced that it was all the fault of the Israelis. “This is yet another part of a larger pattern of violations of international law in the war between Israel and the innocent besieged Hezbollah,” U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said in a report Monday.

In a released statement, Ms. Sheehan’s publicist, The New York Times edition of Al Jazeera, quoted Ms. Sheehan to say, “A klog iz mir! A feier zol im trefen. I just thought he was that lying bastard, President George W. Bush and I wanted to exchange pleasantries. You get that maniac out here to talk with me in person.You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you'll stop the terrorism.”

Mr. Godzilla was overheard to moan, “Get this mashugga manzer away from me.”

In a related matter, Ms. Sheehan would neither confirm nor deny that she is dating Mel Gibson, “although I admire his intellect and progressive ideas about living with diverse cultures. He is indeed my hero, anyone who can stick their foot in their mouth as well as he does has my respect.”

More on this unfolding story as it develops

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.


PS: Please be aware that the base of the photo was developed by Little Green Footballs: “Doctored Beirut Photo: the First Draft.”

I was first inspired by the Pillage Idiot. See this great web site here.

Then, as I was grazing the LGF site, I stumbled across the LGF post about Cindy Sheehan’s latest utter nonsense, “Cindy Sheehan, Propagandist’s Friend.” In the comment section, “bluegrass boy” – comment number 21 said: “woulnt it be cool if some one would photo shop her!?!......she is one grizzly image to come out of this war...”

Well, that was all the inspiration that I needed – I simply could not help myself.

Thank you Little Green Footballs and “bluegrass boy”… And oh, I tried to leave LGF a heads-up, but the site's registration is closed at the moment…


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