Saturday, August 19, 2006

20060818 KDDC The NYTimes and the difference between Torricelli and DeLay

The New York Times: the difference between Torricelli and DeLay?

Soccer Dad, posting at the Pillage Idiot calls to our attention yet another example of hypocrisy on the part of the New York Times.

This link sends you to a web site that is banned in St. Louis. Too funny. I wonder if the Daily Kos was also banned?

Anyway, Soccer Dad writes, in part: “When it came to the race for senate in New Jersey a few years ago, the editors of the Times approved of the state's high court ignoring the law to allow former Senator Frank Lautenberg to run in place of disgraced Senator Robert Torricelli. An editorial on October 3, 2002 applauded this violation of the law.”

Soccer Dad continued, “What's equally predictable is that these high minded principles only apply if they are likely to produce the correct result… Friday's editorial about the race for Tom Delay's seat contained this line…”

Read the rest here.

A big thanks to Soccer Dad and the Pillage Idiot.


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