Monday, April 16, 2007

20070415 Me and my Prius

I love my Prius

April 15th, 2007

I love my Prius. But I keep reading that the fact that I own a Prius communicates an awkward message… Or see below: “The problem is what people think of you if you drive one. Everyone assumes you're a pious, self-righteous eco-puritan Democrat…”

Yes, I bought my Prius for environmental reasons. And yes one of the more over-riding reasons I bought the Prius is for “foreign policy reasons” - - in that I hate to give money to folks who want to kill me and fellow Americans… or just as bad – Hugo Chavez of Venezuela (Say NO to Citgo.)

And yes I would rather give my money to the Japanese than the Arabs. And yes – yes, I would buy an American car if it had the reliability of a Japanese car. Been there, done that, and got the t-shirt.

But I bought my Prius even more for the fact that we have a failed domestic policy that facilitates no national mobilization towards energy independence.

And also in the top-ten list as to why I bought my Prius is that I am an “‘early adopter’ gadget freaks”


Hat tip: Glenn Reynolds’ “Instapundit” - - HOW TO DRIVE A HYBRID without looking P.C. I should try that! - posted at 05:19 PM by Glenn Reynolds:

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Solving the Prius Problem

“A Little Urbanity”

There's a problem with our Prius, but not with its performance. It gives us just what we expected in that department: great gas mileage, good fit and finish, Toyota reliability.

The problem is what people think of you if you drive one. Everyone assumes you're a pious, self-righteous eco-puritan Democrat, which I am not (even though Al Gore can kiss my carbon footprint). We bought our Prius more for foreign policy reasons than environmental ones. […]

Go read the comments at: Solving the Prius Problem

Yes, you will have to wade through some mindless drivel – but it worth it to read some of the comments that are fun, like: “I've got that problem too. Used to drive by the smelly hippies protesting in front of the WAR memorial building in my little electric GEM car and they thought I was one of them collectivists. But the BUSH 04, NRA and PEACE THROUGH SUPERIOR FIREPOWER stickers usually set them straight…”


“Look at the demographics of Prius buyers. About half "early adopter" gadget freaks-who are largely Republican…”


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