Tuesday, April 24, 2007

20070424 An another point of view on Katie Couric

An another point of view on Katie Couric

April 24, 2007

As much as I have never been a fan of Katie Couric, I will actually take her over Bob Schieffer anytime - - What a nebbish.

Nevertheless, I found this column linked below to be an interesting point of view and makes some good points.

That said, I really have no issue with what she wears – and in a moment of candor, will admit she is quite attractive. My issue is what she says and how she imbues the news with her personal views.

Some critics suggest that she is doesn’t have the mental acuity necessary for the job. That’s about as cheap a shot as commenting on her attire or looks… I figure her to be quite bright and she is entitled to her views, but if she wants to expound upon her views, she should get a talk show or a column.

Katie Couric's Enemies Are CBS Insiders

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

By Roger Friedman

Katie Couric's barrage of bad publicity is coming not from the outside, but from the inside of CBS, sources tell me.

Indeed, one of Couric's frequently mentioned enemies is Bob Schieffer, the lovable, durable veteran journalist who filled in as anchor of the "CBS Evening News" between Dan Rather's departure and Couric's arrival.


It's been suggested that a hit piece on Couric written by Gail Shister in yesterday's Philadelphia Inquirer was inspired by Schieffer as its main source.


Shister, I see from a reading of her columns in the paper's archive, has been on Couric's case since before she started as anchor of the evening news.

So, too, has the New York Times' most disliked media writer, Alessandra Stanley. As a woman, you would think Stanley would be more sympathetic to Couric, but she notes that Katie anchored a report wearing "white slacks and very little makeup."

What color were the suits worn by NBC's Brian Williams and ABC's Charlie Gibson? Were they wearing makeup, powder or lip gloss? Stanley didn't mention that.


Read the entire column; Mr. Friedman continues with a great deal of insight…

Katie Couric's Enemies Are CBS Insiders


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