Monday, May 14, 2007

20070514 I love a woman with a microscope

May 14th, 2007

Please enjoy: And The Lovelace Poster Goes To… Seventy girl geeks vied for top honors in our "She's Such A Geek!" Photo Contest. Who was judged geekiest? by Anne Casselman - 07 March 2007

Dr. Pepper was dripping from my ears when I read: “I have a real Mary Kay pink lab coat…

She’s Such a Geek! Editors Annalee Newitz and Charlie Anders finally picked their choice geeks. They were even responsible enough to put together some criteria: 1. Was the person involved in one of their chosen geeky activities in the photo? (using a computer wasn’t enough) and 2. Was the photo recent and well composed?

So that’s how 31-year-old life sciences teacher Valory Thatcher gets to take home the poster of super-chic geek Ada Byron, Lady Lovelace (we stand humbly corrected on the exact order of the “Lady” and “Lovelace” parts), and place it in her geeky office at Mount Hood Community College. But the competition was stiff, and beautifully geeky brave souls came pretty darn close. We pestered Valory with some questions to suss out the depths of her geekiness. We were very impressed and can rest easy knowing Ada’s going to a good home.


Read the entire post here (and put away the Dr. Pepper first…J) And The Lovelace Poster Goes To…

For more on the joys of geekdom see: “20070304 True Geek.”


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