Wednesday, July 11, 2007

20070703 the Maryland Municipal League discussion of the “Doomsday” budget

The Maryland Municipal League discussion of the “Doomsday” budget

Posted July 11th, 2007


-----Original Message-----

From: [redacted – MML]

Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 4:35 PM

Subject: "Doomsday" Budget - Maryland Municipal League

At the General Assembly's request, the Department of Legislative Services recently identified a series of actions by which the state budget might be balanced in the absence of new revenues.

The product of that analysis was released under the title 'Balancing the State Budget Without New Revenues' and can be accessed through the General Assembly's website under the heading of budget information:

The attached table draws from this report and provides a summary of those proposed actions that would directly impact municipal governments ranging from cuts in state aid for police protection and community legacy to eliminating the Office of Smart Growth.

In the coming weeks the Maryland Municipal League will be monitoring this dialogue as well as discussing proposals for revenue enhancements with the O'Malley Administration and state legislators.

If you have any questions regarding this proposal and related developments, feel free to contact [redacted – MML.]

Impact of “Doomsday Budget” on Maryland Municipalities

State Budget Action


Fiscal Impact

Delete all grants under State Aid for Police Protection except for the Municipal Sworn Officer Grant.

In fiscal 2006, these grants constituted 5.3% of local aggregate law enforcement expenditures.

$43.8 million total local government

Approx. $7.3 million municipal

End free training and instructional programs for local jurisdictions as offered by the Police Correctional Training Commission.

State will strive for 95% cost recovery for programs/services provided to public and local jurisdictions.

$1,700,000 statewide impact

Municipal impact will vary based on participation

Delete $500,000 in Community Legacy operating grants


Delete $125,000 in Circuit Rider grants from DHCD’s Division of Neighborhood Revitalization.

In fiscal 2007, 27 towns received assistance from the Town Manager Circuit Rider Program


Delete Community Legacy PAYGO general funds and replace them with general obligation bonds or with no funds.

$8 million total local government

Change statute regarding Program Open Space by indexing funding to inflation.

This would result in reduced funding for open space preservation.

$16 million total

Amend state law to allow for replacing $6.4 million in general fund monies with Waterway Improvement Fund dollars.

This would reduce the number of waterway improvement projects around the state.

$6.4 million

Change the critical area law to eliminate program implementation funding for local jurisdictions.


Shift burden to municipalities/counties for purchase of insecticide for adult and larval mosquito control

Potential increase in mosquito population


Delete $1.4 million in general funds provided for the Ocean City Convention Center operating deficit.

Town of Ocean City

$1.4 million

Eliminate Office of Smart Growth

May lead to diminished technical assistance to municipalities.


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