Monday, September 17, 2007

20070916 Don’t Start Caring Now by P. Kenneth Burns

Don’t Start Caring Now by P. Kenneth Burns, the Editor and Writer of Maryland Politics Today

September 16th, 2007

Since I am no longer an elected official and no longer on the Maryland Municipal League Board of Directors, I have lost track of many of the issues in Prince George’s County. I certainly enjoyed working with many of the elected officials… I have always appreciated Wayne Curry and have followed his career for many years – he is a 1971 graduate of Western Maryland College, now McDaniel College. So my ears perked-up when Mr. Burns mentioned him in a post…

As you all know, Maryland Politics Today is based in South Laurel, Prince George’s County. I grew up in the county and I was a big fan of the Wayne Curry years. Wayne Curry was County Executive from 1994-2002, a man with more integrity than our current County Executive Jack Johnson…

Curry did his best in attracting business to the county, in addition, he also boosted county pride in us, the residents. He was first to tell the media to don’t dare call it P.G. County. He took to little steps to show that the county can handle upscale retail.

Read the rest here: Don’t Start Caring Now

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