Wednesday, December 05, 2007

20071204 Citizens crusade against incinerator By Meg Bernhardt Frederick News Post

Citizens crusade against incinerator

Originally published in Frederick News-Post on December 04, 2007

By Meg Bernhardt , News-Post Staff


WHAT: Public hearing on the siting and construction of a publicly owned Waste To Energy plant, or incinerator that generates electricity, in Frederick County

WHEN: 7 p.m., Dec. 11

WHERE: Winchester Hall, 12 E. Church Street, Frederick

WHO: Open to the public

For more information:

and, Utilities and Solid Waste Division.

To sign the petition or see what it says, e-mail Sally Sorbello at


Members of the nonprofit citizen organizations Friends of Frederick County and the Waste Study Group went door-to-door last weekend. They will continue their efforts this week, encouraging residents to take action against the incinerator.

The Frederick County Commissioners will hold a hearing on the incinerator, also called a waste to energy plant, next week.

The citizen advocacy groups encourage residents to testify at the hearing, sign a petition, send in post cards and e-mail the commissioners, said Friends of Frederick County Executive Director Janice Wiles.

The groups favor aiming for recycling rates as high as 65 percent to 75 percent instead of building an expensive incinerator that they say will produce toxic air pollution.

A regional waste-to-energy plant, shared with Carroll County, could cost $323 million. Frederick County would pay $194 million of that, and with bond interest, the total shared cost of the plant would be close to $600 million, they said.

Read the rest of the article here: Citizens crusade against incinerator

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