Wednesday, February 27, 2008

20080227 This week in The Tentacle

This week in The Tentacle

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Reality takes The Year Off

Kevin E. Dayhoff

Last weekend the nation’s governors met in Washington for the 100th annual National Governors Association 2008 winter meeting. They had lots to talk about; but it was the faltering economy that eventually stole the show.

News from Ocean City….

Tom McLaughlin

The Town of Ocean City has come up with a brilliant idea to lower their taxes by $14 mil or so, and to raise the taxes of the good people of Worcester County by the same amount.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Wayne, I Never Knew You

Roy Meachum

We saw each other on North Market Street; sometimes he was walking that obviously sweet dog. We nodded and smiled to each other. He was usually in black jacket and pants: the usual priest's "off-duty" attire.

A Crack in The Door

Farrell Keough

Over the next few articles, we are going to explore the issues and possible solutions to illegal immigration. During this process, we will ensure correctness of documentation as well as making certain we are not allowing a sense of racism to infect our perspectives.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Pondering a Political Future

Richard B. Weldon Jr.

At a Farm Bureau/Pomona Grange legislative luncheon a few weeks ago, audience members were treated to a little surprise along with their roast beef and ham.

Words, Just Words

Steven R. Berryman

A presidential primary campaign is upon us now, much earlier in impact than in years past. The issues that are forced “off the table” are, in some cases, the ones that should be the defining ones. Shame on us for not forcing them back into the light of day for our proper examination.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Disney at Baltimore's Hippodrome

Roy Meachum

There's nothing like Oscars night. The whole world fixes on what was for years America's favorite entertainment form. Arrived at Baltimore's Hippodrome Theatre is the champion of the new favorite. And network television is no longer the movies' chief competition.

Envelope, Please

Roy Meachum

Sunday night the annual Oscars show will be staged. We hope for a "surprise" every year. When it happens, there's no way to know where or who. I suppose that's really what surprises are.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

An All-Too-Infrequent Lesson

Tony Soltero

Last week two of Maryland's congressional officeholders saw their long-running House careers come to an unexpected halt: Republican Wayne Gilchrest, of District 1, mostly on the Eastern Shore, and Democrat Al Wynn, of District 4 in Montgomery and Prince George’s counties. They lost in primaries to challengers Andy Harris and Donna Edwards, respectively.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Presidents’ Day View

Kevin E. Dayhoff

In the wake of “Super Tuesday” and the “Potomac Primary,” all signs point to a November presidential contest between United States Senators John McCain, of Arizona, and Barack Obama, of Illinois.

Two Good Men Were Defeated

Tom McLaughlin

Wayne T. Gilchrest, of the 1st Congressional District on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, was just tired. I think George Bush and his cronies wore him down to the point that he didn’t care whether he was re-elected or not.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Obama "Tide"

Roy Meachum

A Wisconsin February once cost me a tire chain. Going north of Milwaukee to Green Bay, the links broke and thumped repeatedly against the car until I managed to pull off the road. Forecasters predict the same wintry mess for today's voting.

The Passion of a Lifetime

Nick Diaz

Enough math education for a while, folks. If you’ve been reading my recent contributions to, you may well conclude that education in general, and mathematics education in particular, is the focus of my existence.

Monday, February 18, 2008

General Assembly Journal 2008 – Volume 2

Richard B. Weldon Jr.

With all of the presidential sweepstakes hoopla, I’ve let the Journal slip to a back shelf. It’s time to brush the dust off the leather binding.

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