Friday, March 14, 2008

20080312 Carroll's Idol

Carroll’s Idol

March 12, 2008

By Kevin Dayhoff

Photo captions:

Top: Members of the Carroll’s Idol committee compare notes after auditions at the VFW Post in Westminster, Monday evening, March 10, 2008

Bottom: Audrey Cimino and Eileen Gist confer as other members of the Carroll’s Idol committee compare notes after auditions at the VFW Post in Westminster, Monday evening, March 10, 2008


Westminster Maryland - There were smiles all around the room last Monday night after 15 Carroll Countians got together at the Westminster VFW Post 467 at 519 Poole Rd Westminster to belt out some tunes.

That was when the first 15 contestants of “Carroll’s Idol” gathered around a few tables to discuss some organizational details for our county’s very own version of the hit TV series, “American Idol.”

“I want to thank the judges for being so positive. We didn’t have a Simon (Cowell.)” said one of the members of the team, Sharon Templeton above the chatter.

“On behalf of the Community Foundation I want to thank everyone involved,” said Audrey Cimino, the foundation’s executive director as she surveyed all the activity.

A brainchild of Eileen Dutterer Gist and Cheryl Schuster, the project is a fundraiser for operating capital for the Community Foundation. Gist reminisced, “I called my friend Audrey, knowing how much she’s into music… I want to put on (a talent contest) to raise money for the (Community) Foundation.”

“Let’s do it,” said Cimino. “Cheryl has been thinking about something similar.”

The next step in the contest is for approximately 20 contestants to audition at the Freedom Optimist Hall in Eldersburg this evening. 20 contestants will then progress to the semi-final on Tuesday, March 18th at the Westminster VFW Post 467. This competition is open to the public.

Ten winners from the Semi-Finals will progress to the finale on Friday, April 25th at Grace Lutheran Church at 21 Carroll Street, in Westminster.

Community celebrities as well as Jennifer Franciotti from WBAL will be on hand to present and judge the competition.

Tickets are $10.00 adults; $8.00 seniors; $5.00 Children 12 and under.

For more information visit their website: or e-mail:


20080312 Carroll's Idol NBH: 20080312 Carroll's Idol

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

E-mail him at: kdayhoff AT or kevindayhoff AT

His columns and articles appear in The Tentacle -; Westminster Eagle Opinion;, Winchester Report and The Sunday Carroll Eagle – in the Sunday Carroll County section of the Baltimore Sun. Get Westminster Eagle RSS Feed

“When I stop working the rest of the day is posthumous. I'm only really alive when I'm writing.” Tennessee Williams

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