Wednesday, March 19, 2008

20080318 New York Governor David Patterson admits to affairs

New York Governor David Patterson admits to affairs

March 18, 2008

Maybe it’s something in the water up in New York. Pretty soon, it will be “breaking news” when it is reported that a governor did NOT have an affair.

And of course, this all happens after I wrote, “No doubt, the governors’ winter meetings were probably overlooked because, even with Democrats holding a 28 to 22 majority, they may be the only sane adults left on the nation’s leadership stage…. (February 27, 2008 Reality takes The Year Off Kevin E. Dayhoff:

Last weekend the nation’s governors met in Washington for the 100th annual National Governors Association 2008 winter meeting. They had lots to talk about; but it was the faltering economy that eventually stole the show.”)

Former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer mercifully resigned on March 12 and ended a sensational 48 hours of salacious melodrama of position, power, greed, and human failings. It has probably ended the career that was considered so bright that his name was being bantered about as a 2012 or 2016 presidential candidate.

His successor, New York Lt. Gov. David Paterson is the state’s first African-American governor, the third in the nation since reconstruction, and the first legally blind governor in the nation.

Just as everyone took a deep breath and sighed in relief; it took only minutes before it was revealed that now-New York governor Patterson admitted that “he and his wife Michelle had affairs during a rough patch in their marriage several years ago,” according to published reports.

Ay caramba.

“(Governor) Paterson told the Daily News that he maintained a relationship with another woman from 1999 until 2001. He and his wife eventually sought counseling and repaired their relationship.”

So much for the hope of safety…

If you have enough nerve – read on:

Report: NY Governor Admits to Affairs Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Gov. David Paterson, who took over the state's top job Monday after Eliot Spitzer resigned amid a prostitution scandal, has admitted he and his wife Michelle had affairs during a rough patch in their marriage several years ago, a newspaper reported.

Read the entire article here: Report: NY Governor Admits to Affairs


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