Thursday, March 27, 2008

20080326 Daily Mail UK: Think this picture of Carla is racy?

Published in the Daily Mail, UK, 26th March 2008

It's not the look you would normally associate with a First Lady. But the photographer who captured this soon-to-be-auctioned image of the new Mrs Nicolas Sarkozy - former model Carla Bruni - claims he has photos that are even more explicit


Even so, the First Lady is understandably furious that a nude photo of her went on sale on the eve of her State visit to Britain with her husband.

Experts say the renewed interest in her is likely to send its price up to £2,000.

But an aide to 40-year-old Mrs Sarkozy said: "Carla is very angry, not to say deeply upset, that a commercial organisation has chosen to release this print at such an important time.

"Her priority is to establish herself on the world stage as a first lady France can be proud of."

As well as being the first time that an image of a naked wife of a serving head of state has been sold for profit, it is being touted at a time when Mrs Bruni-Sarkozy and her husband President "Bling Bling" Nicolas Sarkozy are desperately trying to moderate their racy image.


Read (look at) the entire article here: Think THIS image of Carla is racy? You should see the ones I didn't publish, says photographer


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