Sunday, April 20, 2008

20080419 Carroll County Times staff members win press association awards

Carroll County Times staff members win press association awards

From Staff Reports Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Carroll County Times on Friday received Newspaper of the Year honors for its circulation category in the Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Press Association’s 2007 editorial contest.

It was the third year in a row that the Times was named best in its circulation category.

Staff members received 13 first-place and 12 second-place awards, as well as three “Best of Show” awards, which are given to the best entry in a given category regardless of circulation.

The Times also received the James S. Keat Freedom of Information Award, which is given to the one newspaper in the state that does the most to promote open government and open government issues. The Times was recognized for helping coordinate a Maryland open records audit as part of a national Sunshine Sunday open government initiative.

Staff members receiving Best of Show honors included Dylan Slagle in the general news photo category, Aaron Wilson in the sports story category and former staff writer Marjorie Censer in the local government category.

Slagle also won first place in the spot news photo category and second place, feature photo.

Other winners included:

Jim Lee, first place, local column: critical thinking; second place, local column, humor/feature; second place, editorial.

Penny Riordan, first place, feature story; second place, series.

Wayne Carter, first place, page one design; Wayne Carter and Joe McClure, second place, page one design.

Carrie Ann Knauer, first place, public service

Brandon Oland, first place, local column, humor/feature.

Kyle Nosal, first place, photo series.

Erica Kritt, first place, business/economic story.

Brian Patterson, first place, feature page design.

News staff, first place, series; second place, special section.

Kathryn Leiter, second place, continuing coverage.

Karen Karaszkiewicz, second place, feature story.

George Welty, second place, general news photo.

Bob Blubaugh, second place, sports story.

Frank DeAngelo, second place, information graphic.

Beth Ward, second place, growth and development. Ward also received a best of Show award in the category of state government for a story she wrote while employed at The (Salisbury) Daily Times, and she won second place in the spot news category for a story she wrote while employed at The (Salisbury) Daily Times.


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