Sunday, August 10, 2008

"Republican Doesn't Plan Long Speech" by Michael D. Shear

20080809 McCain Does not Plan Long Speech at convention by Michael D. Shear for the Washington Post

"Republican Doesn't Plan Long Speech" by Michael D. Shear

Saturday, August 9, 2008; Page A06

Mark Salter, the top aide and longtime speechwriter for John McCain, has written a "working draft" of the senator's address to the Republican National Convention and is circulating the draft to a very limited number of his aides, sources inside the campaign said.

The speech as written runs roughly 21 minutes, but it could end up being even shorter, because McCain is not a fan of lengthy speeches, aides to the candidate said.


Read Mr. Shear’s entire piece here:
Republican Doesn't Plan Long Speech


I’ll be attending and covering the Republican National Convention. I’d like to hear from others who are attending the convention in case there are some ways we can link up and collaborate. These events can be overwhelming and a bit of team work might very well be helpful.

I can reached at kdayhoff AT carr Dot org. And you may find me on: Facebook

Please consider putting Republican National Convention in the subject line so that I may discern your e-mail from the enormous amounts of spam I am receiving these days…


Kevin Dayhoff

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