Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Thatchers Daughter Reveals Ex Premier Has Dementia by Kevin Sullivan for the Washington Post

Thatchers Daughter Reveals Ex Premier Has Dementia by Kevin Sullivan for the Washington Post

On Tuesday, August 26, 2008, Kevin Sullivan wrote a piece for the Washington Post that the former prime minister of Britain, Margaret Thatcher, now 82, has a form of geriatric onset dementia.

Although such as been rumored for quite sometime; for many of us who admired her public service – whether or not we agreed with all of her decisions and approaches - the news was greeted with great sadness.

History will be kind to Mrs. Thatcher.

However, even more so sad was the reaction of
too many folks in the comment section.

For many of us who have never gotten used to the vile personal viciousness of the left, the comments seemed way over the top. (Related - See:
20031205 Bush Derangement Syndrome by Charles Krauthammer.)

Where’s the humanity?

Thatcher's Daughter Reveals Britain's Ex-Premier Has Dementia

By Kevin Sullivan

Washington Post Foreign Service

Tuesday, August 26, 2008; A10

LONDON, Aug. 25 -- The daughter of
Margaret Thatcher has disclosed that Britain's former prime minister is suffering from dementia, in the family's first public confirmation of what has been widely rumored in Britain for several years.

Thatcher's condition has deteriorated so much that she forgets that her husband, Denis Thatcher, died in 2003, her daughter reports in a memoir to be published next month, serialized over the weekend in the Mail on Sunday newspaper.

"I had to keep giving her the bad news over and over again," Carol Thatcher wrote. "Every time it finally sank in that she had lost her husband of more than 50 years, she'd look at me sadly and say 'Oh' as I struggled to compose myself. 'Were we all there?' she'd ask softly."

Carol Thatcher said she first noticed her mother's failing memory over lunch in 2000, a decade after she left 10 Downing Street. Margaret Thatcher was prime minister from 1979 to 1990.


In her book, "A Swim-On Part in the Goldfish Bowl: A Memoir," Carol Thatcher wrote that her mother still shows flashes of her old self, particularly about events from her time in office.


Read Mr. Sullivan’s entire article here:
Thatcher's Daughter Reveals Britain's Ex-Premier Has Dementia

DO NOT view the comment section with a full stomach.

20080826 Thatcher's Daughter Reveals Ex Premier Has Dementia by Kevin Sullivan for the Washington Post

1 comment:

  1. Political opinions aside, it is unfortunate when anyone suffers from cognitive decline. This just goes to show that cognitive decline can impact anyone and everyone. For this reason, we should all consider to take extra steps to help prevent cognitive decline. I personally am taking brain training games and have found them to be helpful. If you are interested in reading some reviews of the top brain training games, I have a few reviews on my site.

    Brian Jones


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