Friday, November 08, 2013

Black Americans have fought for Republic since its founding [Eagle Archive]

Black Americans have fought for Republic since its founding [Eagle Archive]

Black Americans have fought for Republic since its founding [Eagle Archive]

By Kevin Dayhoff, Baltimore Sun November 8, 2013 for Veterans Day

Monday is Veterans Day, a day to pause and remember that the freedoms we enjoy have been paid for by the service in harm's way of our country's nearly 22 million veterans.

"African-Americans have served in all of America's wars," according to local historian Jay Graybeal. "Over 10,000 blacks served in the Continental Army and Navy forces. Another 1,000 served with the British. Black seamen fought with great distinction at the critical Battle of Lake Erie during the War of 1812."

He reported in research that he conducted for the Historical Society of Carroll County in the early 1990s that, "The Federal government enlisted 178,975 blacks during the Civil War; 69,178 died during the conflict. Blacks were again called for service in World War I. Approximately 90 Carroll County men served in all-black U.S. Army units."


"If you study American history very closely, you will see that African-Americans have been stepping up to the plate to defend our nation since the founding of the Republic," said Brig. Gen. Linda Singh, 49, the recently appointed commander of the Maryland Army National Guard.

Singh is the first African-American, and the first woman, to be named commander.

"I did not rise to my current assignment by myself," she said. "I stood on the shoulders of giants."

A month ago, Singh and U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings were the keynote speakers during the 11th annual Carroll County NAACP Branch 7014's Freedom Fund Banquet in Westminster.

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