Sunday, February 23, 2014

Windows 8.1 update due in spring with concessions to mouse and keyboard users | PCWorld

BARCELONA—At a Sunday press event prior to Mobile World Congress, Microsoft vice president Joe Belfiore led with bright news about Windows 8: Microsoft has sold 200 million licenses (more than all of OS X’s user base, he noted); users have downloaded 4 million apps from the Windows Store; and 40 percent of Windows 8 machines are touch-enabled.
But for the 60 percent of Windows 8 machines still not touch-enabled, Belfiore conceded, users’ “satisfaction level is lower.” So when the Microsoft executive confirmed rumors of a Windows 8.1 update this spring, he also detailed three major improvements that would come with it. First and foremost will be features to give mouse-and-keyboard diehards a break.
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