Monday, October 27, 2014

Interview with Chilean President Michelle Bachelet on Planned Reforms - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Interview with Chilean President Michelle Bachelet on Planned Reforms - SPIEGEL ONLINEInterview Conducted by Helene Zuber

"Last year, Michelle Bachelet, 63, was elected to be president of Chile for the second time. 

When the Socialist politician became the country's first female president eight years ago, she symbolized the country's transformation after the end of Augusto Pinochet's military dictatorship in 1990.

When she left office in 2010, she still had a popularity rating of over 80 percent. But she couldn't stand for re-elected because Chilean election law prohibits a president from serving two consecutive terms. 

A pediatrician by vocation, Bachelet is a single mother and is the daughter of Alberto Bachelet Martínez. Her father remained loyal to Salvador Allende, the Socialist president murdered after the 1972 military putsch. Bachelet would himself later die in prison following repeated torture. 

During her first term as president, Bachelet succeeded in democratizing the country's military forces and provided support to victims of the dictatorship. At the end of 2013, Bachelet got re-elected to succeed the right-leaning politician Sebastián Piñera as president. Since then, both the political and economic climate in Chile has deteriorated." ... 

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