Friday, December 26, 2014

Driver Wanted for Obama Motorcade. Novice Welcome. -

This is nuts...

Driver Wanted for Obama Motorcade. Novice Welcome. - "

Driver Wanted for Obama Motorcade. Novice Welcome.


SAN FRANCISCO — Shortly after President Obama landed here one fall day for fund-raisers, his motorcade pulled out of the airport and raced at 80 miles per hour down an empty freeway to his hotel in the city. 

 At the front of the procession were bulletproof black sport utility vehicles and limousines driven by Secret Service agents who had spent hundreds of hours learning how to maneuver at high speeds. 

 Bringing up the rear were police cars with their lights flashing and a Secret Service ambulance that follows the president wherever he travels.

And in between were several vans filled with White House staff members and journalists, being piloted by volunteers like Natalie Tyson, a 24-year-old Bay Area graduate student wearing fluorescent orange sunglasses. 

 “Wow,” she exclaimed as she hit the gas and the van lurched within a few feet of the one in front of it. Then she slammed on the brake. 

Then she hit the gas again. 

 “Sorry about that,” she said.

She returned her hands to the textbook 2-and-10 positions on the steering wheel.


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