Monday, February 25, 2008

20080224 Recent Westminster Eagle columns

Kevin E. Dayhoff Sunday, February 24 Looking at Bowling Brook one year later
More than a year has passed since, on a cold Jan. 23, 2007, Isaiah Simmons III, 17, died after being restrained by staff at Bowling Brook Preparatory School in Middleburg.

Mr. Simmons, from Baltimore, had only been at the facility for a couple of weeks -- since Jan. 10, after a court had sent him...
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'Tech Tax' will have crippling impact on Carroll
The frenzied and frenetic Maryland General Assembly special taxing session has been over for several months, yet the more the layers of this onion are peeled-away, the more it just wants to make you cry.

In a recent phone conversation, Ted Zaleski, Carroll County's director of management and budge...
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It's easy to demonstrate for peace; harder to work for it
Watching the movie, "The Singing Revolution," discussed in last week's column, brought back memories from my trip to Estonia back in Sept. 17-23, 2004.

It was a unique opportunity to represent Westminster in an "assessment and support tour" for the Maryland and Estonia Partner City Partners For Pe...
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How culture and song can save a nation
On Jan. 13, I had the opportunity to travel to the Charles Theater in Baltimore and watch "The Singing Revolution," a documentary by James Tusty and Maureen Castle Tusty about Estonia's nonviolent "singing struggle" -- which ended the brutal Soviet occupation of the tiny Baltic nation on Aug. 20, 19...
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Dr. Martin Luther King's enduring words
American civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., wrote in a book, "Strength to Love," published in 1963:

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence and toughness multipli...
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More Headlines

Courthouse history seems to match theatrical flair of current case

Something we really must talk about

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

E-mail him at: kdayhoff AT or kevindayhoff AT

His columns and articles appear in The Tentacle -; Westminster Eagle Opinion;, Winchester Report and The Sunday Carroll Eagle – in the Sunday Carroll County section of the Baltimore Sun. Get Westminster Eagle RSS Feed

“When I stop working the rest of the day is posthumous. I'm only really alive when I'm writing.” Tennessee Williams

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