Tuesday, February 26, 2008

20080225 Delegate Weldon announces he will not seek re election in 2010

The Tentacle: Delegate Richard Weldon (R) Frederick County announces he will not seek re election in 2010

Pondering a Political Future

February 25, 2008

Richard B. Weldon Jr.

At a Farm Bureau/Pomona Grange legislative luncheon a few weeks ago, audience members were treated to a little surprise along with their roast beef and ham.

After several months of quiet contemplation, I had decided that I would use that venue to announce that I would not seek re-election to the Maryland House of Delegates in 2010.

Several questions arise. Why give up the chance for a third term? Why make the decision now? Why choose that venue to make the announcement?

Analyzing the answers to those questions fully explains the reasons for the decision. I’ll try to list the reasons, although the order might be subject to question.

Read the rest of Delegate Weldon’s Tentacle column here: Pondering a Political Future

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