Monday, March 31, 2008

20080324 Re-elect WENDI W. PETERS for Mount Airy Town Council

Re-elect WENDI W. PETERS for Mount Airy Town Council

Experience and qualifications:

March 24, 2008

Town of Mt. Airy – Councilwoman

Liaison – Recycling and Sanitation - 2006-present

Zoning Administrator – 2004-2006

Liaison - Water and Sewer – 2004-2006

Maryland Municipal League – Communications Committee

Chairman – 2007-2008

Member – 2006-2007

Mentoring Connections Team – Mt. Airy Middle School

Mentor – 2008

Advisory Committee to the Community Legacy Board

MD Department of Housing and Community Development

Member – 2006-2007

Community Law in Action

Mentor to Baltimore City High School students – 2006 – present

Mount Airy Main Street Association

Member - 2004-present

Downtown Revitalization Committee

Member - 2002-2004

Town of Mt. Airy – Planning & Zoning Commission

Vice Chairman – 2000 – 2004

Member – 1998 – 2004

Twin Ridge Elementary School – PTA

Executive Board – 2002

Parent Volunteer – 1998 – 2004

Town of Mt. Airy – Board of Zoning Appeals

Member – 1997

Town of Mt. Airy – Recycling Commission

Chairman – 1990 – 1996


University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland

Fellow, Academy for Excellence in Local Governance, 2007

Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland

B.A., Political Science, 1989

Villa Julie College, Baltimore, Maryland

A.A., Paralegal Studies, 1983


Maryland State Bar Association, Associate Member

Maryland Association of Paralegals

National Federation of Paralegal Associations

For other posts on Soundtrack on Mount Airy: Mount Airy or Peters Mount Airy Councilwoman Wendi Peters or Mount Airy Fire Department or History Mount Airy Maryland or Water and Sewer Mount Airy.

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