Saturday, May 24, 2008

20080523 The Knauer is missing

Rumors are circulating in Westminster that Carrie Knauer has run off with Johnny Depp

Friday, May 23, 2008

Recently folks have noticed that Carroll County’s own Rachael Ray – Carroll County Times reporter Carrie Ann Knauerthe local journalist with the best shoes, as been missing. Well, at least she has not had many stories published in the newspaper recently.

This is cause for concern as many of us go into “Knauer Withdrawal Syndrome,” when we can’t get a regular dose of news from her.

As was reported here: “20080429 Carrie Knauer and Johnny Depp in Westminster,” on “Soundtrack,” she was noticed to be in the company of Johnny Depp recently. Perhaps there is always the possibility that she ran off with him.

Of course, the last time she was “missing,” she was actually in an undisclosed location with Vice President Dick Cheney as we revealed here: “20061115 Carrie Knauer and Mission to Baghdad,” exclusively on “Soundtrack.”

Well, after I developed a milk cartoon poster in preparation of launching a search effort – I spotted her. Or at least what I believe to have been her, at the Westminster Fire Hall attending the Westminster Volunteer Fire Department’s “Big Money Raffle.”

Of course, the person that appeared to be Ms. Knauer could have really could’ve been a replicant.

Let’s see if anyone else has a recent Knauer sighting…


20080429 Carrie Knauer and Johnny Depp in Westminster

20061115 Carrie Knauer and Mission to Baghdad.

20060803 Best Shoes in Show as worn by a journalist.

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