Monday, March 29, 2010

SBA List Candidate Fund Endorses Sue Lowden for U.S. Senate

SBA List Candidate Fund Endorses Sue Lowden for U.S. Senate

Dannenfelser: 'Sue Lowden combines everything we are looking for: an articulate female spokesman with the courage to back it up with advocacy for the unborn and their mothers'

WASHINGTON, March 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- "The Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund is proud to endorse Sue Lowden for U.S. Senate in Nevada," said SBA List Candidate Fund President Marjorie Dannenfelser.

"Sue Lowden is exactly the type of authentic pro-life candidate Americans are hungry for, and that's why the SBA List Candidate Fund is prepared to highlight her race among a handful of priority contests in 2010.

"Right now there is a crying need for a pro-life woman's voice in the Senate and Sue Lowden is committed to being that voice. If elected, Sue Lowden has committed to be actively engaged in advancing legislation that protects the unborn and women. Sue combines everything we are looking for: an articulate female spokesman with the courage to back it up with advocacy for the unborn and women."

Sue Lowden's pro-life record spans back to her time as a Nevada state senator, where she championed a parental notification bill through committee to the floor of the Nevada State Senate.

The Nevada primary election is scheduled for June 8, 2010, where Lowden will face Danny Tarkanian and Sharron Angle.

In the general election, Sue Lowden will challenge Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Despite running as a pro-life candidate, Senator Reid holds a 0% voting record with the National Right to Life Committee for the 111th Congress. In the recent healthcare debate, Reid refused to support authentic pro-life amendments. In the Fall of 2009, the Susan B. Anthony List spent $100,000 on commercials asking Harry Reid to keep abortion out of healthcare.

Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund endorsements are promoted to the organization's nationwide membership of over 280,000 Americans. The SBA List Candidate Fund endorses pro-life female candidates, as well as pro- life male candidates who run against female candidates in favor of abortion rights. During the 2008 election cycle, the Susan B. Anthony List bundled over $1 million in direct candidate contributions from its members.

The Susan B. Anthony List is a nationwide network of over 280,000 Americans, residing in all 50 states, dedicated to mobilizing, advancing, and representing pro-life women in politics. Its connected Candidate Fund increases the percentage of pro-life women in the political process.

Christian Newswire


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  1. This joke? Sue Lowden is prochoice senator voted gay rights.

  2. The Susan B. Anthony List should have done more research. I have already contacted them with this:

    Lowden 2010:
    In 2009, a Republican U.S. Senate candidate named Sue Lowden told a conservative publication, Human Events, that Roe v. Wade was a “bad decision.” (Las Vegas Sun/Dec. 16, 2009)

    Lowden insisted her evolution is personal and not political, providing me with a lengthy statement and declining to speak on the record beyond it. “I am pro-life and I will defend life as a U.S. senator,” the statement began. (Las Vegas Sun/Dec. 16, 2009)


    LAS VEGAS SUN/May 18, 1996
    Joining Ernaut in opposing an abortion ban: Las Vegas Assemblywoman Deanna Braunlin, state Sens. Kathy Augustine and Sue Lowden of Las Vegas,

    Lowden and Hettrick said the national party ought to follow Nevada's lead and take abortion out of the platform.

    LAS VEGAS SUN/Dec. 16, 2009
    In 1993, a GOP state senator named Sue Lowden expressed to a reporter support for Roe v. Wade on the 20th anniversary of the decision.

    If circumstantial evidence is to be believed, Lowden is easily convicted of not one, but perhaps two acts of political convenience, tacking left when it was advantageous and then shifting right when the race called for it.

    But her comment about not standing on the Senate floor to salute Roe v. Wade is disingenuous because other senators in favor of abortion rights were caught off-guard by then-Minority Leader Dina Titus’ call for everyone to stand.

    RECORD COURIER/Jan. 15, 2010
    Lowden Stated: “I voted for choice in 1990.”

    1992 Candidate Questionnaire /Nevada Roll Call/ Christian Coalition
    When asked the question if she would “Prohibit abortion except when the mother’s life is endangered” her response was “OPPOSED”.

    See the truth at


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