Saturday, September 17, 2011

Examiner Sat. Politics EXTRA: Charlie Spiering - Obama: Odds are, I'll get re-elected

Washington Examiner Saturday Politics EXTRA
Breaking news & comment from The Washington Examiner's Campaign 2012 coverage team
"I just have to remind people that here's one thing I know for certain: The odds of me being reelected are much higher than the odds of me being elected in the first place.” President Obama told donors last night at a fundraiser.

Brian Hughes - Axelrod: Obama fine with base, in battlegrounds
Even as President Obama’s poll numbers hover around 40 percent, senior campaign strategist David Axelrod remains adamant that the president maintains strong standing with the public — particularly when compared to Republicans.

According to The Social Security Board of Trustees 2011 Annual Report, Social Security added paid out $49 billion more than it took in last year, and will pay out another another $46 billion more than it takes in next year.

Joel Gehrke - Obama: My bill spends $230k per job
Accepting for the sake of argument President Obama's prediction, that means Obama intends to spend $230,000 to create each new job. The predicted drop in unemployment would leave the unemployment percentage at 8.1% - or, put another way, one tenth of a percentage point higher than the unemployment number that Obama said his previous stimulus package would avoid.

Earlier this week, Eli Lake reported that the White House had tried to get a four-star general to alter his testimony to make it more favorable to the tech company LightSquared. Major Democratic donor Philip Falcone runs an investment fund that is majority owner of the company.
It turns out the company also runs an ads at Think Progress, a website run by the liberal Center for American Progress.
Newly sworn-in Republican Rep. Bob Turner of NY-9 is already moving into disgraced Rep. Anthony Weiner's office. His wife has requested a thorough cleaning of the office, after staffers found "a toothbrush with the name Anthony on it" in the bathroom.

"No ma'am." Rick Perry says in this video, after a woman asks him about his support of TARP.

Seeking to distance herself from her controversial HPV comments, Michele Bachmann released a video highlighting the original point scored against Rick Perry in Monday's debate. Crony capitalism.
Conn Carroll - Obama throws Geithner under the bus 
Hard to see how Obama comes out looking good either way here. Either Obama told Geithner to break up Citigroup, Geithner ignored him, and Obama did nothing; or the whole story is a farce and some forces in the White House are trying to make a villian out of Geithner to protect Obama. So far, those Obama supporters most upset about the bailouts are not buying the Geithner-did-it theory.

Charlie Spiering - Jon Stewart skewers Obama on Solyndra scandal
Even Jon Stewart can't ignore the humor behind President Obama's Solyndra misstep. Watch this hilarious clip.


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