Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Harvard Business School: Newsletter: HBS Cases: Lady Gaga

Harvard Business School Working Knowledge Newsletter
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HBS Cases: Lady Gaga
What goes into creating the world's largest pop star? Before her fame hit, Lady Gaga's manager faced decisions that could have derailed the performer's career. A new case by Associate Professor Anita Elberse examines the strategic marketing choices that instead created a global brand.
The Profit Power of Corporate Culture
In the new book The Culture Cycle, Professor Emeritus James L. Heskett demonstrates that developing the right corporate culture helps companies be more profitable and provides sustainable competitive advantage.
First Look: New Research by HBS Faculty 
The Yelp effect … Health care reform and pharmaceuticals … Does the Huffington Post need human editors?
What Do YOU Think? What's Apple's Biggest Challenge: Replacing Steve or Wall Street?
Forum Open: Steve Jobs' influence on Apple is pervasive—and now he's stepping down as CEO. With Wall Street pressure expected to ratchet up, what is the company's best strategy?, asks Jim Heskett.
Working paper: Salience in Quality Disclosure: Evidence from the U.S. News College Rankings
Download the PDF. Why are the U.S. News and World Report College Rankings so influential? According to this paper by Michael Luca and Jonathan Smith, it's at least in part because U.S. News makes the information so simple.
Working paper: Measuring Teamwork in Health Care Settings: A Review of Survey Instruments
Download the PDF. In this paper Melissa A. ValentineIngrid M. Nembhard, and Amy C. Edmondson report the results of their systematic review of survey instruments that have been used to measure teamwork in various contexts. Their research helps to identify existing teamwork scales that may be most useful in testing theoretical models.

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