Friday, September 09, 2011

HuffPost World Daily Brief

Friday, September 9, 2011
WISHTATA, Libya -- Libyan fighters launched a two-pronged assault Friday on one of the last towns to resist the country's new rulers, clashing with Moammar Gadhafi's supporters inside Bani Walid as a weeklong standoff dissolved into street-to-street battles, the revolutionary forces said.
Yemeni Tribes Demand President's Resignation
Nasir Abas, Former Al Qaeda Militant, Now Comic Book Hero
Egyptians Tear Down Wall Outside Israeli Embassy
Turkish PM: Country's Warships Will Escort Gaza-Bound Aid Ships
Mexican Navy Busts Zetas Cartel's Communications System
Amb. Marc Ginsberg: The Arab World & the 9/11 Decade
If 9/11 represented a "clash of civilizations" it also compelled a "shotgun relationship" between the U.S. and the Middle East.
Anthony Vance: The Trials of an Educator in Iran
If planning with others to educate young people can in some contorted worldview equate with conspiracy against national security, I suppose Mahmoud Badavam is guilty as charged.
Alexander Goerlach: The Turning Point
Today, the images of 9/11 have entered the historical record, not unlike black-and-white images of the construction of the Berlin wall or the fall of the Eastern Bloc.
Dr. Josef Olmert: US and Israel: UN Veto in September and What's to Come
The Netanyahu government should be very careful not to weaken the depth of the American resolve to help Israel deal with its most significant problems, such as the impending UN session about Palestinian statehood and its possible implications.
Hussain Abdul-Hussain: There Will Be No Civil War in Syria
In Syria, there are no symptoms of civil war, only state brutality against peaceful protesters. Suggesting otherwise only helps justify such brutality and doubt the intentions of the protesters, even before these get a day in the sun without fear from Assad's repression.


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