Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Human Events Daily: Mattera, Buchanan: Obama Loses George Washington's Cool with Tax Hikes

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Tuesdays with Jason Mattera09.20.11Sign Up for Daily Events
Me thinks that Michelle Obama must be lacing the organic vegetables at the White House with some illegal narcotic.  Either that or Obama's smoking addiction goes way beyond cigarettes.

How else to explain his attempt to persuade us that he and our first President are like brothers?  He's just a habitual liar, you say?  Well, I guess there's that.

During his televised address in the Rose Garden yesterday, Obama actually justified his blowout government spending palooza by quoting none other than George Washington.
Said the Messiah, "It's always more popular to promise the moon and leave the bill for after the next election or the election after that.  That's been true since our founding.  George Washington grappled with this problem.  He said, ‘Towards the payment of debts, there must be revenue, that to have revenue there must be taxes, [and] no taxes can be devised which are not more or less inconvenient and unpleasant.'  He understood that dealing with the debt is -- these are his words -- 'always a choice of difficulties.'"

For Obama to pull the "Hey, George Washington loved taxes too" card is almost comical.  Almost. Here's why it's not. Read on...
  — Jason Mattera

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September 20, 1519


On this day in 1519, Ferdinand Magellan of Portugal began what would become a voyage around the globe. Magellan never completed the voyage personally, as he was killed in the Philippines.

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Human Events Daily:Mattera, Buchanan: Obama Loses George Washington's Cool with Tax Hikes

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