Thursday, September 15, 2011 Bill Richardson leaves Cuba without U.S. subcontractor Alan Gross

Bill Richardson leaves Cuba without U.S. subcontractor Alan Gross - Latest News -
Former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, in a stunning setback, says he will leave Cuba on Wednesday

Bill Richardson leaves Cuba without U.S. subcontractor Alan Gross



Former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, in a stunning setback, says he will leave Cuba on Wednesday without even meeting seeing a U.S. government subcontractor jailed in Havana for nearly 22 months.
Miami Democrat Joe Garcia, a longtime Richardson friend, said the Cuban government’s refusal to allow the meeting, after inviting the former governor to the island, reflects a serious split within the country’s ruling class.
“Perhaps the Cuban government has decided it does not want to improve relations” with Washington, Richardson was quoted saying at a news conference in Havana on Tuesday. “Perhaps that is the message it is sending.”

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