Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sweet memories still remain from Shaffer & Co. Variety Store

Sweet memories still remain from Shaffer & Co. Variety Store

Sweet memories still remain from Shaffer & Co. Variety Store Baltimore Sun By Kevin Dayhoff

It was 50 years ago when the Shaffer & Co. Variety Store, a Westminster institution close to the hearts of many children in town, closed.

After our recent columns in The Eagle regarding the Westminster Post Office building at the corner of Main Street and Longwell Avenue, a number of readers have been in touch with questions.

Several asked about the two buildings that once stood to the east of the post office in what is now a parking lot.


Westminster (Carroll, Maryland)

Newspaper and Magazine


A Jan. 13, 1966, newspaper clipping provided by local historian George Welty, tells part of the story, noting that "the Stonesifer building (was) being demolished last week to make way for Post Office enlargement...",0,1806704.story

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