Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Kevin Dayhoff The Tentacle: Presidential Tax Attack

September 21, 2011

Presidential Tax Attack
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Just as the United States’ economy teeters on the brink of a double-dip recession, President Barack Obama on Monday prescribed his solution – $1.5 trillion in new taxes.

Of course, the president’s plan has nothing at all to do with addressing the economic woes of the nation, creating jobs, stimulating the economy or dealing with the national debt. It is all about the president keeping his job in the face of his plummeting job approval ratings and an increasingly restless far-left political base.

When the president first took office, he enjoyed historically high approval ratings and his party held an overwhelming majority in both houses of Congress. Yet he could not get a tax increase passed.

That was before the political tsunami of last year’s elections, which witnessed the majority in the House go to Republicans, who are in no mood for a tax increase.

Zachary A. Goldfarb noted in a Washington Post piece last Sunday: “But his plan has little chance of passing and is already inflaming Republicans, who have vowed to oppose new taxes and have called for deep cuts in federal spending and entitlements. On Sunday, Republicans responded with vitriol to the proposal to create a special tax for millionaires.”

Rep. Paul Ryan (R., Wis.), chairman of the House Budget Committee, said for many on Fox News Sunday that “class warfare may make for really good politics, but it makes for rotten economics… It adds further instability to our system, more uncertainty, and it punishes job creation.”

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Kevin Dayhoff The Tentacle: Presidential Tax Attack: 


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