Monday, December 26, 2011

FishbowlDC: Best of the Worst

Daily FishbowlDC Feed - Monday, December 26, 2011
FishbowlDC: Best of the Worst

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Monday, December 26, 2011

Best of the Worst

This week we received a boatload of crap reaction to Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Rear end, Wis.) discussing what he calls first lady Michelle Obama's "large posterior" or "big butt". He used both phrases, each in different settings. Ironically he used "large posterior" while talking loudly on his cell phone in a lounge at Reagan National Airport. He said "big butt" at a church bazaar to elderly people. What can we say,... read more>>

Fish Food

(A Sprinkling of Things We Think You Ought to Know...)                     Herman Cain won't be talking with "" anytime soon -- The Daily Caller's Alex Pappas got a one-on-one with the conductor of the Cain Train (wreck) himself, Herman Cain. Though Cain terminated suspended his presidential campaign in early December, he continues to talk a big game. He says if he were still campaigning he would "absolutely" be the front runner going into... read more>>

The FishbowlDC Interview With WaPo's Annie Gowen

Say hello to WaPo's poverty and wealth reporter Annie Gowen. A few things to note about her: She's a Bachelor junkie, as in the reality show starting back up again on Jan. 3. In addition, she's got a screenplay about a cancer survivor that's currently being shopped around Hollywood. It isn't easy getting Annie to meet a FishbowlDC deadline -- a little sharpness (on our part, not hers) shifted her into... read more>>

A Little Birdy Tells Us...

That Politico's Editor-in-Chief John Harris was spotted dining in Georgetown on Monday with CNN "Reliable Sources" host and Daily Beast/Newsweek Washington Bureau Chief Howard Kurtz. The tipster wrote, "Howie Kurtz and JHarris deep in conversation over lunch together in Georgetown on Monday. This can't be good." Sources we spoke with say it's unlikely that Politico is considering hiring Kurtz, but rather, they're Washington oldies former coworkers at WaPo who wanted to more>>

Meghan McCain - The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Meghan McCain's blog is one of those rare websites like or the DailyKos where you come away feeling dumber having read it. Yesterday's post entitled "My Beauty Essentials" hurts the head more than usual. The MSNBC Contributor, Daily Beast columnist and child of privilege decided the world needed to know her beauty secrets. No problem with that, really. It's her blog, she can write about whatever floats her boat. The problem is... read more>>

AnonymASS Tipster of the Week

"Hey assholes! Your website is a minefield of poorly implemented code. 5 minutes to load waiting for bullshit from, and all the other snoopware and tracking apps, then your flash plug-in crashes. Locked up every tab in my (current) Firefox browser. What is this, some kind of ambush?" Note to AnonymASS: You get points for making us laugh. But we assure you, the delays aren't typical. Sh-t happens.... read more>>

Stalker Alert!

This basement-dwelling fanboy does not like our posts about conservative activist and videographer Michelle Fields of The Daily Caller. No need to rehash what the posts said here, but the saga seems to have struck a nerve with people associated with all sorts of websites, the latest being the one he pimps in this "momma's basement" video. He claims he's "freshly showered". We have our doubts. He's never met Michelle "J-Dot" Fields,... read more>>

Morning Chatter

Quotes of the Day Alert the proper authorities... "Just became That Journalist who takes swigs of Pepto-Bismol at their desk." -- WaPo Express's Sara Schwartz. There are stupid questions "Is this a stupid question?" -- Center for Public Integrity's iWatch reporter Corbin Hiar in reaction to this: RT @HuffingtonPost Is Hitler's book 'the perfect present'? Read here. (Corbin was previously an editor at HuffPost.) In case anyone was panicking... "Guys, Louis C.K. is hosting the Radio &... read more>>

WaPo In Search of Pats on Back

WaPo has gone fishing-- for compliments. The paper is asking readers "to vote on your favorite" original Post content in not one, not two, but six separate categories in a new survey. Actually it's seven categories; "graphics" and "motion graphics" have conveniently been separated so they can get an extra compliment. We only have one favorite and it's under the "social and engagement" category: squirrel week. Wait, nevermind! That link doesn't work. Tricked us!... read more>>

Another Day, Another Lunatic Hopeful

Campaign season has a way of bringing society's crazies to light. Yesterday it was Fred Karger, lunatic candidate for President who hates him some Mormons, today it's Terry Jones, lunatic candidate for President who hates him some sanity. Jones, clearly a mustache enthusiast, is also the moron who felt the need to burn a Koran to point out the dangers of radical Islam rather than, you know, simply talking about them, is... read more>>

Sensenbrenner Apologizes

Politico is reporting within the hour that Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Rump, Wisc.) has sent a note of apology to first lady Michelle Obama for remarking on her "large posterior." An excerpt: On Thursday, Sensenbrenner said in a statement, "I regret my inappropriate comment and I have sent a personal note to the first lady apologizing." Riiiight. He regrets his remark since all of yesterday, when he said he stands by his remarks. Which is... read more>>

Can't Buy Me (Reggie) Love

President Obama's "body man" Reggie Love, who recently left the White House for graduate school, wants you to have dinner with the First Family. Well, not really. What Reggie really wants is for you to donate money to the President's reelection campaign to be entered into a drawing for a chance to win dinner with the Obamas. At least this chance will only cost you $3 and not the $38,500 is... read more>>'s blogs:

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AllTwitter How To Delete All Of Your Tweets -- Permanently
10,000 Words Growth of Twitter Fueled by Media Coverage
TVNewser Report: Jay Gray Removed From Sandusky Story
TVSpy 5 Survival Tips For Working The Holiday Shift
FishbowlNY The New York Times' Year in New York Pictures
FishbowlDC The FishbowlDC Interview With WaPo's Annie Gowen
FishbowlLA Radio Host Apologizes for Calling WNBA Team the 'Los Angeles Lesbians'
UnBeige Michael Graves Wins Notre Dame's Driehaus Prize
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