Thursday, March 22, 2012

Wendell Potter: Goldman Sach's Greg Smith Could Just Have Easily Been Telling the Truth About Health Insurers

Goldman Sach's Greg Smith Could Just Have Easily Been Telling the Truth About Health Insurers

Wendell Potter 03/19/2012

As I was reading former Wall Street executive Greg Smith's bombshell of an Op-Ed in the New York Times last week, I mentally inserted the names of the big for-profit health insurers -- two of which I worked for -- in place of Goldman Sachs, where Smith worked until resigning on the day his column was published.

Smith wrote that he decided to leave Goldman-Sachs because it had veered so far from the company he had joined straight out of college that he could no longer say in good conscience "that I identify with what it stands for."

He put the blame squarely on Goldman's current CEO and president. It was during their watch, he wrote, that "the firm changed the very way it thought about leadership."

"Leadership used to be about ideas, setting an example and doing the right thing. Today, if you make enough money for the firm (and are not currently an ax murderer) you will be promoted into a position of influence." …


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