Tuesday, December 18, 2012

NYT Aggressively Pushing Gun Control in Massacre Coverage, Promises More to Come


NYT Aggressively Pushing Gun Control in Massacre Coverage, Promises More to Come

New York Times' Helene Cooper: Choose Between 2nd Amendment Rights or 'Kids [Being] Safe' at School
New York Times White House reporter Helene Cooper: "And if killing, you know, twenty 5- to 10-year-olds doesn't do it for this country, then than means the other conversation we should be having is just simply saying, 'You know what? The right for older people to bear arms is more important than the right of little kids to be safe when they go to school.'"

NYT Aggressively Pushing Gun Control in Massacre Coverage, Promises More to Come
The Times aggressively promoted Democrats exploiting the massacre to push for gun control legislation. "Democrats seemed to be hoping to seize on the momentum from the shooting, in which 20 first graders were killed, and the resulting outrage and despondency of millions of Americans, to gingerly build a coalition of lawmakers who might be able to create some form of compromise limits on gun sales or types." The Times also ran three editorials pushing gun control on Tuesday, and promised more to come.

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