Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey Wins Re-election

BREAKING NEWSTuesday, November 5, 2013 8:05 PM EST
Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey Wins Re-election, Exit Polls Show
Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey won re-election on Tuesday, defeating his Democratic rival, State Senator Barbara Buono, by a crushing margin. The victory vaulted him to the front ranks of Republican presidential contenders.
In a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans by 700,000, Mr. Christie won decisively, making impressive inroads among younger voters, blacks, Hispanics and women – all groups that Republicans nationally have struggled to attract...  

Big Money Flows in New Jersey Races to Thwart Christie Agenda


Democrats and unions spent more than $35 million in the state trying to prevent any shifts in the Legislature that would give Gov. Chris Christie more power...

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