Monday, November 25, 2013

Why A Fire Chaplain?

Why A Fire Chaplain?

Springfield Township, Akron Ohio

“He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.”   --- (SofS 2:4)

Retrieved November 25, 2013

Travis Case, Pastor/Teacher Northgate Baptist Church

I will attempt to answer the question: “What is a Fire Chaplain and what is his/her purpose. First, a Fire Chaplain is not a spokesperson for the Fire Department and he does not get involved in Departmental policies or politics. Neither is a Fire Chaplain there for the purpose of proselytizing converts to his particular church.

A Fire Chaplain's primary focus is on the needs of the Fire Department and whatever situation the Firefighters encounter where the Chaplain may be of service to both the Firefighters and the community the Fire Department serves.

A part of the everyday life of any fire department is the coping with stressful situations that arise from encounters with battling fires and emergency situations. When people fall apart upon discovering they are burned out of their homes, or have lost all their belongings, or worse yet, have lost a loved one, how can Firefighters handle these demands for attention in addition to fighting the fire. Read more:
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

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