Sunday, December 29, 2013

PRUDEN: Duck Dynasty's Robertson family teaches Hollywood a lesson - Washington Times

PRUDEN: Duck Dynasty's Robertson family teaches Hollywood a lesson - Washington Times: "PRUDEN: Duck Dynasty’s Robertson family teaches Hollywood a lesson

By Wesley Pruden Thursday, December 26, 2013"The uproar over “Duck Dynasty” should be studied forever in the business schools as a priceless teaching exercise in marketing quackery. Television executives are so highly paid because they’re supposed to be so smart. Rarely have so many smart guys been so out to lunch.

The noisy row over the A&E cable network suspending Phil Robertson, the head duck, was mostly not about free speech — the network had a right to suspend him, depending on what was in the contract — but about how low the network wanted to kowtow to the lavender lobby, disrespect for religious belief, and whether it wanted to put at risk its No. 1 show. This is where the A&E suits made their incredible miscalculation, based on gross ignorance of who and what they were dealing with. An office boy would have known better.

“A&E,” says Lisa de Moraes, the influential television critic for the Deadline/Hollywood website, “has been dazedly dog-paddling since the interview [in GQ magazine] and its hit show suddenly stopped quacking like all those other homespun reality series on TV and began Bible-thumping like the religious parable [the controversy] actually is.” 

'via Blog this'

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