Thursday, January 09, 2014

MRC Alert: NBC: Ungrateful Bob Gates 'Blindsided' White House With 'Blistering New Memoir'

MRC Alert: NBC: Ungrateful Bob Gates 'Blindsided' White House With 'Blistering New Memoir'
Media Research Center
Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996
Thursday January 09, 2014 @ 08:21 AM ET

1. NBC: Ungrateful Bob Gates 'Blindsided' White House With 'Blistering New Memoir'

At the top of Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer portrayed former Defense Secretary Robert Gates as an ungrateful and disgruntled ex-employee: "Blindsided. President Obama's former Defense Secretary Robert Gates takes on his old boss – the man who awarded him the Medal of Freedom – in a blistering new memoir. This morning, what may have made him turn?"  In the report that followed later, correspondent Andrea Mitchell fretted: "President Obama's decision to keep George Bush's defense secretary, a Republican, has now blown back on the White House." Like Lauer, she made sure to note how Obama had honored Gates: "Gates gave no hint of his resentment when he left the cabinet two years ago and President Obama awarded him the Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor."

2. Networks Ignore Gun Company Putting U.S. Troops First, Rejecting $15 Million Deal With Pakistan

A Utah-based gun manufacturer turned down a $15 million contract with Pakistan in the name of keeping weapons from falling into the hands of America's enemies. ABC, CBS and NBC, networks that routinely demonize the firearms industry and promote gun control, ignored this positive story. Only Fox News highlighted Desert Tech's decision to put the troops before profit. Fox and Friends co-anchor Brian Kilmeade on Tuesday explained, "Fifteen million is a lot of money. But for this Utah gun manufacturing company, it represents more than a year of solid business." He added, "So, you think they would jump at the chance to make 15 million bucks in one day. But the guys at Desert Tech said no because the weapons were headed to Pakistan."

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