Thursday, February 20, 2014

INSIDE PITCH — Telephone solicitors want money, not participation by David Maril Voice of Baltimore

INSIDE PITCH — Telephone solicitors want money, not participation by David Maril Voice of Baltimore


Seinfeld’ gets a phone call:   ‘Hi. Would you be interested in switching over to TMI long-distance service?’ the telemarketer asks. ‘Oh, gee, I can’t talk right now,’ Jerry responds, ‘Why don’t you give me your home number and I’ll call you later?’ To which the telemarketer replies: ‘Well, I’m sorry, we’re not allowed to do that.’ …

Even though it’s a new year and tax deductions for 2013 are history, the phone calls for giving continue to arrive early and often.

It’s gotten to the point where it seems the only reason landline phones have not been completely replaced by smartphones is they are needed to deliver pain-in-the-neck marketing and fund- raising calls.


“Inside Pitch” is a weekly opinion column written for Voice of Baltimore by David Maril.

CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S “INSIDE PITCH” COLUMN: click here …and read previous Dave Maril columns by clicking here.


Learn how Jerry Seinfeld deals with unwanted telephone solicitation calls:  Check out his hilarious response to a telemarketer – and read Dave Maril's "Inside Pitch" column on Voice of Baltimore this week on obnoxious salespeople on the phone --

See also VoB editorial on Maryland Governor O'Malley and Mayor of Baltimore Rawlings-Blake -- on legalizing marijuana --

And start your day by reading "Need to Know News" for daily overnight updates --

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