Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Md Senator David Brinkley: More than $100 million spent with nothing to show for it

More than $100 million spent with nothing to show for it

February 11, 2014

Dear Kevin-  

 David R. Brinkley
Maryland has become known as a test kitchen for liberal policies. After the passage of Obamacare in DC, Maryland spent more than $100 million to voluntarily set up and market its own exchange. Led by Lt. Governor Anthony Brown, Democrats in Annapolis patted themselves on the back for leading the way. Yet, when these health care exchange web sites went live last fall,Maryland's site made the Federal rollout look like a success.  Hard to believe, isn't it?

Now Maryland is scrambling to find a way to clean up this mess and help the many Marylanders who lost their existing health care plan and could not sign up for a new plan on the State's exchange web site.

I am leading the call for a full independent investigation to uncover how these millions of tax dollars were spent and who is responsible for the mess. Only through an independent investigation with the power to subpoena will we be able to learn the truth. The Democrats are avoiding investigating this and getting the answers we as citizens deserve until this summer, conveniently timed after the Primary Election.

As always, if I can ever be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me in Annapolis or my District office.  

Senator David Brinkley  

Senator Brinkley in the News . . .
"Two-hundred-sixty million dollars through all these appropriations and we still don't have something that's working . . . " Senate Minority Leader David Brinkley said. 

The Baltimore Sun - February 3, 2014 - "Mr. Brown Gets a Reprieve" [Editorial] 
. . . Frankly, the best idea we've heard so far is from Senate Minority Leader David R. Brinkley who called for an independent probe. That was good enough for the Democrats when they weren't happy with hiring and firing practices in the administration of Republican Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. nine years ago, and the same standard ought to apply today.

Senate Minority Leader David R. Brinkley (R-Frederick), who wants the state to hire outside counsel to investigate, scoffed at the suggestion that such an inquiry would reduce the number of Marylanders who get health insurance.
"They are recognizing that there's an ongoing problem, but they don't want to address it because it might cause embarrassment to the lieutenant governor in his gubernatorial bid," he said.

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