Monday, February 10, 2014

Westminster's economy once tied to railroad -

Westminster's economy once tied to railroad -

By Kevin E. Dayhoff, 10:13 a.m. EST, January 2, 2014,0,958471.story

The big news for the New Year's celebrations in Westminster in 1897 was the opening less than a week before of a new train station in town.

According to research for the Historical Society of Carroll County by Jay Graybeal, the Democratic Advocate newspaper reported the opening of the station on Dec. 26, 1896.

A big deal was made over the fact that the station had indoor bathrooms: "Toilet rooms for ladies and gentlemen open from each of the waiting rooms… and the mirror in the ladies' department is already in active operation."

Read more:,0,958471.story

Westminster's economy once tied to railroad -

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