Thursday, March 06, 2014

City writes $1,105 check for rent it didn't owe -

City writes $1,105 check for rent it didn't owe -

Miscommunication, address confusion caused error, officials say

By Scott Calvert, The Baltimore Sun 11:26 a.m. EDT, August 3, 2013,0,4638821.story 

 The Baltimore housing department recently tried to give away some money — $1,105 to be exact.

That was the amount of a check sent to retired lawyer Constance Putzel in June, with a notation that the city was paying her for ground rent she held on several city-owned parcels at Old Town Mall.

Except Putzel hasn't been entitled to any such payments since 2011. That year, the city paid her a lump sum of nearly $14,000 to extinguish Putzel's claim on the land under its property."

'via Blog this' History, Real EstateRealEstate ground-rent, RealEstate Maryland


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