Monday, March 03, 2014

Stephen Colbert spoke at the RSA security conference even though many of his fans asked him not to - By Lily Hay Newman

Stephen Colbert spoke at the RSA security conference even though many of his fans asked him not to.

 By  MARCH 3 2014

"Stephen Colbert's satire usually springs forth from his desk at Comedy Central. But he was on location for the RSA conference last week even though some of his fans had asked him to boycott. It seemed like the makings of some solid drama.

But Colbert defused the situation by using his right-wing persona to poke fun at cryptographers, the NSA, and RSA itself. Last year RSA was accused of being paid $10 million by the NSA to intentionally weaken one of its encryption algorithms. And Colbert brought it up. He said, “The elephant in the room is that I was asked not to come speak here. That came as something of a shock to me. Normally I'm asked not to be somewhere only after I've spoken.”"

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Stephen Colbert spoke at the RSA security conference even though many of his fans asked him not to - By Lily Hay Newman
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:
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