Friday, May 02, 2014

MediaBistro TVNewser: How The Evening Newscasts Reported The New Benghazi Emails

MediaBistro TVNewser: How The Evening Newscasts Reported The New Benghazi Emails

How The Evening Newscasts Reported The New Benghazi Emails (TVNewser) 
CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley was the only evening newscast Wednesday night to not cover newly uncovered emails from White House adviser Ben Rhodes, which provided talking points to former U.N. ambassador Susan Rice before her Sunday show interviews several days after the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya in Sept. 2012. Rhodes' email to Rice advised her to stress that the Benghazi attacks were rooted in a controversial YouTube video, "and not a broader failure of policy."

Mediaite When the new Benghazi information was made public this week, CBS News covered the new details online (with a disclosure that Ben Rhodes is the brother of CBS News president David Rhodes) but not in its CBS Evening News broadcast. Some conservative sites claimed a serious conflict of interest, with the Heritage Network blog and the Washington Free Beacon picking up on the familial connection. 

HuffPost According to a network spokesperson, David Rhodes was not involved in editorial discussions on Wednesday about whether CBS Evening News should cover the email. Fox News and other conservative outlets have long claimed that the Benghazi attack hasn't received enough media attention, even as the subject's been hashed out numerous times in White House briefing room and journalists have covered the story consistently. 

The Daily Caller ABC World News ran a lengthy segment on the revelations Wednesday, saying the White House was "feeling the heat" and that the "email seems to call into question what the White House said about its role" in deceiving the public about the cause of the Benghazi attacks. Likewise, NBC Nightly News highlighted the new emails Wednesday night. 

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