Monday, May 26, 2014

The Hill's E-news: May 26, 2014

The Hill's E-news: May 26, 2014

The Hill: Hillary leaves left cold
By Niall Stanage
For many on the left, Clinton is the woman who supported the Iraq war, ran to the right of President Obama and is associated with the Wall Street-friendly centrism espoused by her husband, former President Bill Clinton.
The Hill: Is VA scandal making it worse for vets?
By Megan R. Wilson
One thing that many veterans groups are pushing for is increased funding for the Veterans Affairs Administration.
The Hill: Will GOP pass O-Care replacement?
By Molly K. Hooper
House conservatives will press their leaders this week to move on an ObamaCare replacement bill before the August recess.
The Hill's Juan Williams: The fierce fight for women's votes
By Juan Williams
The GOP wants to stir fear among white women that Democrats don’t have the answers to economic problems.
The Hill: Obama makes surprise visit to Afghanistan amid VA scandal
By Mario Trujillo
President Obama landed at Bagram Airfield Base in Afghanistan on Sunday after making a secret trip to the country the night before.
The Hill: Obama in 'awe' of military's service
By Mario Trujillo
The president made no direct reference to VA scandal in remarks at Bagram Airfield.
The Hill: VA healthcare scandal dominates Sunday political discussions
By Keith Laing
The scandal involving a potential cover up of medical mistreatment of military veterans by the Department of Veterans Affairs dominated discussion on the Sunday morning political talk shows.
The Hill: GOP Rep: VA scandal ‘larger than’ Shinseki
By Keith Laing
“I believe people want to see accountability,” Rep. Jeff Miller said.
The Hill: Blumenthal: Time to bring in DOJ
By Keith Laing
The Democrat said the VA is not equipped to handle the investigation by itself.
The Hill: Kinzinger: Shinseki not fit for job
By Keith Laing
“I think General Shinseki needs to go,” Rep. Adam Kinzinger said.
The Hill: Veterans groups blast Burr for letter
By Keith Laing
VFW leaders called Burr’s letter a “monumental cheap shot.”
The Hill: Obama: Ukrainian vote an ‘important step’
By Keith Laing
Obama congratulated Ukraine’s voters for ignoring threats.
The Washington Post: White House blows cover of CIA chief in Kabul
By Greg Miller
The White House recognized the mistake and quickly issued a revised list that did not include the individual.
The New York Times: Senator calls for more Russia sanctions after Ukraine vote
By David M. Herszenhorn and Sabrina Tavernise
Meanwhile, the unrest in Eastern Ukraine continued on Monday.
Blumenthal: Revive background check bill legislation
By Keith Laing 
The Democrat said he hoped the latest violence in California would provide an impetus.

The Hill: GOP establishment spends big
By Alexandra Jaffe
If establishment candidates are seeing their odds improve this cycle, it’s not just because of dumb luck.
The Hill: DHS, Dems to huddle on deportations
By Mike Lillis
Dems are pressing the administration to reduce deportations.
The Hill: NSA reform to be ‘fight of the summer’
By Julian Hattem
Civil libertarians are mounting a new fight in the Senate.
The Hill: Boehner: VA scandal may be 'worse' than we know
By Mario Trujillo
The Speaker also floated the idea of privatizing the department.
The Hill: VA turns to private hospitals for help
By Keith Laing
VA chief Eric Shinseki says he will let more vets obtain healthcare at private hospitals.
The Hill: Sunday tipsheet: VA scandal sucks up political oxygen
By Rachel Huggins
The ongoing inquiry into the Veterans Affairs scandal will highlight the Sunday talk shows.
The Hill: Bankers breathe sigh of relief as Tea Party power fizzles
By Peter Schroeder
Financial industry takes hope from successes of establishment Republicans.
The Hill: Pelosi: Immigration reform ‘essential character of our country’
By Keith Laing
Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said immigrants provided a “boost to our economy.”
The Hill: First lady flexes muscles
By Amie Parnes
First lady Michelle Obama is more aggressively wading into policy fights.
The Hill: Scandal shakes up Senate race
By Keith Laing
Blogger Clayton Kelly has been charged with exploitation of Sen. Cochran's wife.
The Hill: Russia-China gas deal fuels U.S. export push
By Timothy Cama
Supporters of more U.S. exports say the deal helps them make their case.
The Hill: US scraps engagement with Thailand
By Mario Trujillo
The State Department suspended $3.5 million in aid to the country.
The New York Times: Jeb Bush gives party something to think about
By Michael Barbaro
Jeb Bush, a former Florida governor, seems to have defined himself as the anti-George W. Bush, showcasing his curiosity, intellect and care for bureaucratic details.
Reuters: Republican star Mia Love gets second chance to make political history
By Jennifer Dobner
Utah's Mia Love, a Republican darling who could become the first conservative black woman elected to U.S. Congress, is getting a second, and likely better, chance to make history after narrowly losing to a popular incumbent Democrat in 2012.

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