Monday, August 25, 2014

Greek restaurants part of Westminster history -

Greek restaurants part of Westminster history -

"By Kevin E. Dayhoff, 7:19 a.m. EDT, August 21, 2014,0,757277.story

When Westminster was first laid out by William Winchester in 1764, it was located on one of the three main routes west in what we now know as Carroll County. 

Today these routes are known as Route 30, Route 140, and Route 26.

Winchester formed Westminster at a point one day's travel between Reisterstown and Taneytown on one of these main routes used by settlers as they traveled west. 

 Its emphasis on public safety and the promotion of low taxes, good roads and a pro-business environment encouraged many travelers to stay in the Westminster and Carroll County area.

Not to be overlooked were the good hotels, inns, restaurants and provisioning stores that were quickly established in Westminster to meet the needs of the stream of folks using those routes

That tradition of good restaurants and stores remains in Carroll County and the Westminster area 250 years later...",0,757277.story

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