Friday, November 28, 2014

Albert Hunt: Democrats Must Address Americans' Economic Anxiety

I just read a column by Mr. Albert Hunt that I felt, in part, addressed some of the prevailing concerns...

I have followed Mr. Hunt for several years... Read

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Mr. Hunt is usually a consistently responsible liberal-centrist voice and he addressed many of my concerns in this piece: Albert Hunt: Economy must be Democrats' Focus

Albert Hunt: Democrats Must Address Americans' Economic Anxiety

Albert Hunt: Economy must be Democrats' Focus

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Sunday, 23 Nov 2014

To recover from their debacle in the midterm elections, Democrats have seized on two questionable propositions: They lost mainly because of President Barack Obama's unpopularity, and the 2016 presidential election will be more favorable.

Across the U.S., Democrats ran away from the president, and the electorate this year wasn't the same as during the 2012 presidential campaign: It included three percentage points more white voters, with a corresponding drop in people of color; the number of younger voters fell by a third, while the number of older voters increased by that much. This helped Republicans.

Turnout, exit polls and other data suggest another Achilles' heel for Democrats: the lack of any real focus on the economy. Many candidates talked about raising the minimum wage and achieving pay equity for women. But Republicans often co- opted those issues. Minimum-wage initiatives carried in five states, sometimes with the support of conservative Republicans such as Representative Tom Cotton, who unseated Democratic Senator Mark Pryor in Arkansas.

Most Republicans had a coherent economic message: downsize government, reduce domestic spending, cut taxes and curb regulations on business.

The Democrats got trounced with the middle class, according to exit polls. Among voters earning $50,000 to $100,000 -- more than a third of the electorate -- Republicans had an 11-point advantage…



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