Wednesday, November 05, 2014

What is MD Gov.-elect Hogan's plan for dealing with the Democrat-controlled MD General Assembly?

Many of us remain quite curious as to what is MD Gov.-elect Hogan's plan for dealing with the Democrat-controlled MD General Assembly?

Gov.-elect Hogan did witness from the inside the challenges that Gov. Ehrlich faced. That dynamic and the issue that Gov. Ehrlich played an active role in his own victimization early-on, were the subjects of a recent conversation, off-the-record, that I had with the Gov.-elect and I found his ideas and plans insightful, thoughtful - and well-articulated.We shall see... I remain quite intrigued and have ordered extra barrels of ink. This ought to be fascinating.

Collegiality among the conservative Democrats and Republicans who ran the state for decades and decades is certainly way over-due for a comeback. We can only hope.

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