Saturday, January 03, 2015

A love story that began on New Year's Eve, 1945 [Eagle Archives]

By Kevin E. Dayhoff

10:07 a.m. EST, January 2, 2015,0,5356710.story

Much of the time, history can be the dry stuff of names and facts or memorized dates found in textbooks. Nothing can bring history alive more than our own memories or growing up listening to the recollections of our parents or grandparents.

This year marks 70 years since the end of World War II, a time during which many endured the depravities of war overseas or supported the effort stateside.

Much of that dreary and difficult day-to-day support took place just down the road in Washington D.C. In his book, "Washington Goes to War," journalist David Brinkley wrote that Washington, "a sleepy, old-style Southern town … [came] alive … with personality, with drama and comedy…" during the war."

The National Women's History Museum reports, "More than a million women, many of them young and single, came to Washington D.C… "

Among those who answered the nation's call to service were Bertha and Joseph Sosnowsky, who, in time, would call Carroll County their adopted home for almost seven decades.

- See more at:,0,5356710.story#sthash.7wbbpr1l.dpuf

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